He’s Not Sure If He Can Commit

It’s heartbreaking to fall in love with a guy who isn’t sure. He’s not sure he’s in the right place for a relationship. He’s not sure he can commit again. He’s been burned in the past. He’s not sure he can be the man you need him to...

Why You’re Exactly What He Needs

When you’re in your twenties, you assume you’ll meet the right person and grow old together. You don’t imagine yourself trying to fill out a dating profile in your sixties… But that’s where Candice found herself. After losing her husband, the golden years she’d...

When You Feel Unloved, Try This

It’s a sobering thought: There will be times in your relationship when you don’t feel loved. Even if it’s a great relationship. Even if you know you’ll be together for a lifetime. How you handle those periods is critical. If you panic, you might drive cracks into your...

Getting Back Together After a Rough Patch

Carol and her guy had been going through a rough patch. It wasn’t anything new. It was the same old problems they’d always struggled with. “I just don’t think we can make it work,” she told me. “We’ve tried so many times. I’m discouraged. He’s discouraged.” She...

Don’t Get Sucked Into The Spiral

If you turned the average relationship into a movie, this might be the plot… The Crush (Act 1) Two people meet. They’re excited to spend time together. They notice every delightful thing about each other. They’re at the beginning of a great adventure. They want...