The Last Thing You Want to Do In A Relationship Crisis

Sarah stared at her phone. Her hands shook as she read and re-read the text. He was really doing it. He was breaking up with her. Her hands flew as she typed back a cutting response. How dare he? He couldn’t even be bothered to say this to her face? What kind of...

Surprising Reason He Blows Hot & Cold

Raise of hands—how many of you have never experienced a man blowing hot and cold? Anyone? It’s a near-universal experience for women seeking a real relationship. You think everything is going so well, then he pulls away unexpectedly. It’s hurtful. You don’t even know...

“Slow Down, Romeo!” When He’s Moving Too Fast

Imagine this… You meet a man who tells you he’s never met anyone like you before. Where have you been all his life? You’re incredible. He wants to see you again immediately. You do a little happy dance as soon as you get home. You can’t stop smiling. This is so...

5 Ways to Make His Day

You wish you could do something special for him. He works so hard, and you appreciate him so much. You want to put a smile on his face, but you don’t always know how. For men, small, thoughtful gestures can mean the world. Here are five ways to make his day and remind...

Can This Casual Relationship Become Serious?

Lauren had a problem. She had a casual thing going with a guy she really liked. It was all going so well. She’d never been happier. Except… She was developing “feelings.” I had to smile as she put air quotes around the word, like it was a horrible thing to confess. “I...