5 Ways to Make His Day

You wish you could do something special for him. He works so hard, and you appreciate him so much. You want to put a smile on his face, but you don’t always know how. For men, small, thoughtful gestures can mean the world. Here are five ways to make his day and remind...

Can This Casual Relationship Become Serious?

Lauren had a problem. She had a casual thing going with a guy she really liked. It was all going so well. She’d never been happier. Except… She was developing “feelings.” I had to smile as she put air quotes around the word, like it was a horrible thing to confess. “I...

When You Think He’s Cheating

Bonnie had been with her guy ever since college. But they’d been long-distance ever since he moved to get his master’s degree. It was only two years. She knew they could handle it. Lately, though, she’d become suspicious. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but something...

The Trust Deficit: Why Modern Dating Feels Riskier Than Ever

It’s already so hard to meet someone new. There are so many obstacles to overcome: making that first contact, figuring out what to say, building attraction, daring to suggest seeing each other again… It’s not fair that I’m giving you one more thing to worry...

The Promise Problem

Keira fell in love with him over coffee. They talked about what they wanted for the future. She loved the way he painted a picture of the life they’d have together once he graduated. They’d spend part of each year in a different country. They’d be a power couple,...