Whether you’ve just met a man you really like… Or you’re wondering whether to commit… There’s one question you must ask yourself: Is this man generous with his heart, time, and energy? Or is he more interested in what he can get than what he can give? Keep reading to... Now that dating is irrevocably intertwined with technology, it’s changing so fast that it’s hard to keep up. Hop on the latest dating app, and it can seem like everyone’s speaking a different language. The expectations you bring to dating aren’t shared by the men you... Dating is changing so fast. It wasn’t all that long ago that you had to use a dial-up modem on a desktop computer to meet someone online. Dating sites were considered “risky” and “dangerous” compared to putting an ad in the personals section of your local newspaper.... You really like this guy… But, for whatever reason, there’s no possibility of it ever becoming more. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Maybe he’s an off limits co-worker. Maybe he’s told you, “I’m not in the right place in my life for a relationship.” What should you do?... So many of the women who come to me know exactly what needs to change in their love situation… HIM. They want him to do something or feel something. He doesn’t want to. What can they do? Making anyone change is an exercise in frustration. Especially if you feel that...
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