It should be the easiest way to meet someone: Just sign up for a dating app! But so many women have gotten burned online. The gentlemen they were hoping to meet turned out to be scammers, catfishers, bots, or users. No wonder nearly 1 in 2 people say that using dating... What do these situations have in common? You’re talking with an amazing guy and trying not to show how much you like him. You’re on a first date and terrified he’ll see how nervous you are. You have a fight with your partner just before you meet up with friends, and... Has this ever happened to you? You’re with a man who says he loves you. You believe him. But his behavior doesn’t match his words. He says he wants to be with you, but he blows hot and cold. He says he loves you, but he won’t break off contact with his ex. You, on the... Sometimes men break off a new relationship for reasons that don’t seem fair. It doesn’t seem fun anymore. You want more than he can give. (You’re going to groan at this one.) You don’t think he’s perfect anymore. Now, to you, those reasons don’t seem very good. Of... In some circles, it’s not fashionable to believe in soulmates. Who would believe there’s just one person out there for you—in this day and age? There’s no such thing as soulmates, the cynics say. Just the right person for right now. But people have believed in...
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