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  • in reply to: I blocked him and I can’t stop thinking about him. #35011
    Coach Spyce

    Hi Leah,

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story! I saw that you posted in another thread, but we like to keep things in one thread as it makes it easier for us coaches to keep track and make sure we answer you in a timely fashion, so I’ll just message you here 🙂

    Sounds like you have some really great chemistry with his guy and that can be a really heady thing for sure! Feelings of love can make us feel crazy and desperate, and especially when you want something, know there’s something there, but can’t have exactly what you want. I feel you! It’s always a dance between do I settle for some of what I want, or do I set a boundary and not get any? Which feels worse? Only you can know for you!

    So I have a couple of questions just to start to dive a bit deeper.

    He was everything that I have ever wanted.
    Can you elaborate on that? What about him specifically draws you in and makes you feel like he’s “The One”?

    (He) was truly OBBSESSED with me
    How did that play out? What did he do that made you feel that way? Is that tied in to what made you feel like he was Mr Right?

    he basically said that he couldn’t do the distance
    You said that you both could live anywhere. If you are truly perfect for each other, why wouldnt one of you make the move? Or find a place to live together? Are there other factors holding you back?

    I figured he would show up at my doorstep or call me from another number
    It sounds like you really like how persistent he is and I get it! That kind of attention does make a girl feel good and wanted. But it’s also something to look at. It sounds like there are some unhealthy patterns at play here of a push and pull style situation that can really be destructive. More on that later!

    Looking forward to hearing more,

    in reply to: Standards/Boundaries #35010
    Coach Spyce

    Just messaged you back in our original thread 🙂

    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    Good to hear from you! I was wondering what was happening but figured with the holidays and such, you might be busy. Everyone seems to disappear this time of year. Glad you’re back!

    I did see the other thread and what you were talking about there with setting boundaries and expectations, etc, and the timing on when to do that. I agree with what Heidi said but I will elaborate in my own words as well, and throw in a few thoughts I have based on what I know of you and your history.

    First off, I’m really happy that you have found a man that you feel passionate about and who is showing up for you. I know you’ve been feeling really isolated and ostracized in that town, and that feeling has pervaded a lot of your life in the past. From our conversations though, I’ve been feeling confident that you’re a catch, and that you try to fit in with people who aren’t worth your time, which is where a lot of the feelings of rejection comes from when they ultimately run away due to their own deficiencies. That being said, I am so glad that this man is not running away, and that you are experiencing good vibes and a supportive connection. You deserve to love and be loved!

    My only concern is that because you are finally getting something that you have been deeply wanting, that you will be afraid to “rock the boat” and talk about some of the more difficult things, aka your wants, needs, and boundaries in relationship with someone. And that is just so important! Remember, this is something that didn’t happen with Jeremy until it was too late, and while we know he had his own issues and couldn’t step up to the plate, telling him sooner what was expected of him may have yielded more agreeable results. That being said, in this new relationship, I really want to encourage you to lay it all out there now, in the honeymoon phase where you can still do no wrong. Let him know what works for you best, and what you want and need.

    Now I know that you were asking about how to get him to have better boundaries in his relationships, and showing is almost always much better than telling. So modeling healthy boundary practices with him in your relationship is going to ultimately enable him to have better boundaries in his relationship with others.

    Setting boundaries can be very scary. There is always that fear that if you state a boundary, the other person is going to get angry, take something away from your connection, or reject you totally. He is likely very much feeling this with his stepfather since he is dependant on living with him at the moment. It also sounds like he hasn’t stood up for himself in many situations, like with his toxic ex. So he probably hasn’t had a situation where he’s been able to express his boundaries and have had them not only respected, but also supported and celebrated.

    I would recommend sitting down in a relaxed environment and having a conversation about all of this. Let him know how scary it is to set boundaries but how necessary you think it is. Talk about your own boundaries and encourage him to let you know of any of his. Focusing first on your own relationship in a safe place can hopefully show him that having healthy boundaries can be a really beautiful thing and create closeness and connection.

    How does that sound? Let me know how it goes!

    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    Sorry to hear that you missed some of my last message. I will paste the part underneath about ugly people again here so you have it. But based on this reacent message, it may not be what you want to hear…

    Last part of last message:
    That being said, I don’t know that you should date this new man. You feel that he is disrespectful and has already crossed your boundaries. He dated someone that you don’t like and know to be toxic. The apple does not fall far, as I was saying last time. It’s difficult to know what his motives are, and who he’s really loyal to. He could be trying to date you in order to get info out of you to use against you. It’s hard to say but if you already have a bad feeling about it…

    I guess I’m wondering at this point why you moved to this town? I know that you said that you wanted to move from California, so we don’t need to examine that, but why here? Did you research this place before making the move?
    It just doesn’t seem like a place where there is that much positive energy or healthy people, so I’m wondering what drew you there?

    New Message:
    Of course it makes sense that if you grew up not being cared for, you would have a hard time believing that you deserved that. I understand about growing up poor and how it can make you feel less than, and dirty. It does take a long time to get out of the patterns and negative thinking that we can develop as children, but at least you are aware and working on it, which is of course, a really healthy set of steps towards healing.

    I can see how it could feel foolish to reject Dustin when he is showing up and appearing to be offering exactly what you are looking for. I just want you to be careful, because often men want something until they get it, and then they become big, scared babies nd run away. I would hate for this to happen because it would be tempting for you ro blame yourself and let yourself believe that it was your fault, and that somehow you did something wrong to push him away, when in fact it’s the most classic pattern with men there is. As so as much as I hate the game of not sleeping together when you want to, and taking it slow when you really want to dive in, I do have to caution you against not employing those tactics. Of course you are going into it with full consciousness of what could happen and that’s good. But please do be careful.

    At the very least I’d recommend addressing all of these patterns that men fall into before going too deep, and before he starts to show signs of it because by that point, it’s too late. It’s an awful game but does need to be played at least somewhat. So while you still have most of the power, it’s a good time to really let him know what you want, what you will and will not stand for, and to make it crystal clear that you understand how men get what they want and pull away from fear. Call it out before it’s an elephant in the room, and I assure you that you will have better results. And if that conversation is in fact the thing that pushes him away, you will be oh so much better for it, and for not jumping into waters that will quickly become murky. Yes, you do have to test those waters before diving in, and any man who doesn’t understand that is not to be trusted.

    So keep me posted. It may already be veering into this slippery territory, but I hope you can still speak up and express what your expectations are at the very least!

    Keep me posted!

    in reply to: What if he can’t currently fill the provider role? #34945
    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jenna,

    I just wanted to check back in. Any thoughts on what I said?

    Looking forward to hearing more from you!

    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    Wow, what a story! I felt like a needed a graph of who was cheating on who with who because it wasn’t easy to keep all of the players in this perverted game straight! But I don’t need a road map to know that there are many messed up things happening in this little town where you’re currently at, and unfortunately, it’s not surprising knowing the ways of humans, especially those who are small minded, unhappy addicts.

    So yes, they obviously have their little cliques and groups, where everyone has their place and everyone knows all about everyone else. A new person coming in can be very exciting, and also very intimidating. You have presence, beauty, and mental fortitude, and the women in town see you as a threat. They are very scared of losing whatever small amounts of power they have and want to take you down. Obviously certain women have their claws into certain men who they can get to do their bidding, and they snap said claws and certain men jump.

    It is scary though, as sometimes people who live in a very small town away from much of the world don’t have any vision outside their tiny area and think that they are above the law. The local solar guy being afraid that Eric will burn his house down is downright terrifying, especially if there is some validity to his fear, which I’m assuming there is. I’m glad that you sent a cease and desist letter, but I am once again concerned that these people live so deeply entrenched in their little town ways that this won’t stop them. You may just have to hope that the good people can and will see through these troublemakers and make up their own minds.

    But there’s also what you said: Trauma is like a coat you wear, shiny to other predators who recognize it’s familiar glow. Very poetic, by the way!

    Of course I would never say that you should try to hide your trauma, or even suggest that this is possible, but yes, that is something that not only draws these kinds of people to you, but also draws you to them. These kinds of people are familiar to you, and in a certain way feel comfortable. Maybe you feel less like they will reject you, at least not initially. But moving towards connection with these kinds of people is ultimately just putting you into harm’s way, as they will never love you, support you, or really be in kinship with you. Because they are NOT like you. You are very far out of their league. And that’s why they try to take you down. Because they want to bring you down to their level, where they won’t have to recognize how they could never be who you are, or provide what you offer to the world simply by being you.

    The only person you can control in this situation is you. You need to stop running towards these people, trying to get their love and approval. Maybe you feel like you aren’t good enough for anyone else, but you are. As long as you keep trying to get acceptance from people who are not worth your time, you are going to keep getting rejected, ostracized, maligned, and harrassed. Why would you want to connect with people of this caliber? People who are disrespectful, ugly, disgusting? There’s a part of you that feels like these are your people, but you need to change that way of thinking.

    That being said, I don’t know that you should date this new man. You feel that he is disrespectful and has already crossed your boundaries. He dated someone that you don’t like and know to be toxic. The apple does not fall far, as I was saying last time. It’s difficult to know what his motives are, and who he’s really loyal to. He could be trying to date you in order to get info out of you to use against you. It’s hard to say but if you already have a bad feeling about it…

    I guess I’m wondering at this point why you moved to this town? I know that you said that you wanted to move from California, so we don’t need to examine that, but why here? Did you research this place before making the move?
    It just doesn’t seem like a place where there is that much positive energy or healthy people, so I’m wondering what drew you there?


    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    Thanks for the update! That’s good to notice that you weren’t lonely this last week when stuck at home. I’m wondering what was different than other times? What were you focused on? Was it more because you couldn’t go anywhere? Or was it something else?

    Sounds like you are getting out and meeting more people. I’m glad that you had fun at the potluck and felt welcomed and included. How exactly were things different than thay had been? I know that you’ve had some bad experiences but I wonder if this sense of being primed for something bad to happen is at all playing into things turning south?

    In terms of the man, I’m glad that you had a good experience and have a date coming up that you’re excited about! I’m curious what you mean by “whatever I tried to hide from they saw.” Do you mean any kind of mutual attraction that you had with this guy? You said that his friends vouched for him, but who actually introduced you?

    Let’s talk about your cons.

    1. Someone being complimentary and physically affectionate is not a con in my mind, unless it feels disingenuine, or like they are doing it to get something. I can understand that maybe it feels too quick, and I get that. When someone is very complimentary before they know you, it can feel like they are not really seeing you, but just an idea that they have of you, a fantasy perhaps. It can feel somewhat hollow when a stranger tells you these things, and if they are just complimenting your outsides while that does feel nice, it can bring on anxiety of “what will they think when they get to know my insides”. So I can see how that would make you feel uncomfortable. We can go more into this in detail, but what I would say just right off he bat is that you get to be in control of how fast or slow your connection goes with someone. No one had the right to touch you or be physically intimate with you in any way until you are fully on board with that. As a matter of fact, I think men like a woman who wants to take things slow. And if he doesn’t, that’s his problem. You are under no obligation to be anything other than your real self.

    2. The fact that he’s the ex of this toxic woman who defamed you is something that concerns me as well. Not because I’m concerned about her (although we can talk more about that too) but because it takes two to tango. If someone is toxic and you stay with them for 3 years, what exactly does that say about you? You must have some level of toxicity yourself or at the very least be a doormat. But how good can your communication be if you are willing to stay in something with someone like that?

    Also as much as she might be “crazy”, I am always wary when someone talks about their ex in that way. Because as mentioned, they can’t be blameless. And if they are not owning their own “crazy” in the situation, they are not being responsible and self aware enough to make any changes. If they haven’t done any of their own self growth, how can they get into a new healthy relationship? So that all worries me.

    I still need to understand more about how this other ex of hers lied about you, and how that caused her to go around talking so much smack about you that you got fired? How is that even legal? If it’s too painful to describe the full story, I understand, but I just don’t get how that all went down. And who is this person that had such a strong vendetta against you?

    I must say, you really evoke strong feelings in people! Are you a supermodel, lol? Or are you like me, a solid 7.5, 8 on a good day, with a dynamic personality who is just that real and the average person gets scared of because most of them are FOS? 🙂

    Do tell!

    in reply to: Dating a Cop #34926
    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jalyn,

    Just a quick thought…so many times men are taught that they are not able to feel their emotions, especially someone who works in a high stress job and it is part of his job to be mistrustful. What I think can work really well with men in this situation is simply acknowledgement. As Heidi said, not trying to change the way he feels or reacts, but by acknowledging his feelings, it might help him to see how he’s holding onto something, or overreacting in a situation where he doesn’t have to.

    Simply saying something like, “I hear you, that must be difficult for you, how can I help, etc” can sometimes really help a man who doesnt normally have an outlet like that to let go and relax into a more trusting space.

    Let us know how it goes,

    in reply to: Missed Opportunities #34925
    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    I responded to you over in the other thread. We can unpack this more over there. We try to keep people in one thread or it gets too confusing.

    Thanks for understanding!

    in reply to: What if he can’t currently fill the provider role? #34924
    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jenna,

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story! We are glad that you are here so we can help you start to unpack your situation. It sounds like here are multiple layers and 12 years is a long time to be with someone. Much can build up during that time and it’s important to keep the lines of communication clear along the way.
    So I’d like to learn more so I can be that much more effective in helping!

    You mentioned that 2 years he started drinking. What happened proceeding that? Was there a trigger that created this change in him?

    You are now going thru a divorce. So was that because of the drinking? Were there other issues? It seems like there must have been some irreconcilable differences at play if you decided to move forward with a divorce. Did you do any counseling or try to work things out?

    That being asked, what’s different now that you want to work things out? is it because he is sober? How dedicated is he to being sober? Is he doing it because he wants to get you and the kids back? Or does he have his own reasons?

    In terms of who is the “breadwinner”, I’d like to know more about how that plays out. You said that you’ve been the one in that position, so why would it matter now if you were still or not? Does it matter to you? Do you want him to bring in more money? Is that part of the issues you’re having? Is that a dynamic that changed over time that caused this rift in the relationship?

    Anyway, I think those are a good amount of questions for now! Let’s get started there and once we get more of your situation clarified, we can move forward to determining next steps.


    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    I understand what you mean about how time is an indication of how someone feels about you, and making time to spend time is certainly important. I wholeheartedly agree. But it all comes back to the person being someone that you want to spend time with. I still feel like you have this inflated idea about how great Jeremy is and what a loss it is that he doesn’t make time for you. I just dont know if I agree with that.

    The reason why he spends time with Marcia (If he even does. You don’t actually know for sure) is because she accepts any scrap that he gives her. I dont think you’re willing to do that and you shouldn’t be. What is so great about him that you should lower your standards and let him trample all over your boundaries?

    I guess if you feel like anything is better than nothing (which I can understand that it starts to feel like that when you’re lonely) than you can change your tune with him and just accept anything from him. You can hound him and tell him how much you really want to spend time with him, whatever time it is. Tell him that you’ll be ready and available whenever he calls, and whenever he has time in his busy schedule, no matter what time of day or night it is. No matter what else you have planned, you will drop it as soon as he calls to go spend time with him. You’re willing to take care of his dogs, his house, whatever he needs, you are there for him, and you expect nothing in return, except for the occasional pleasure of his company…when he has the time of course.

    How does that sound? How does that feel? I’m sure that’s exactly what Marcia does and says, even if its not in so many words. That’s how you get a guy like Jeremy, if you want him.

    But I think it’s just more that you want something, and I don’t blame you. Solid companionship is a desired human need. There’s no reason that you shouldn’t want it, or have it either. But it’s not always easy to find, and can be downright extremely difficult for many, especially people who have standards like you do. While that doesnt mean that you should lower your standards to find that, it does mean that you may have to continue to be patient, I’m sorry to say, time and again.

    I know how needing to create income can be very taxing, and it can suck the joy out of life. But hopefully spending time with some people can help and I’m glad to hear that perhaps you have found something that can be more stable and lucrative for you.

    If you want that need to be important to someone else to go away, you have to focus on where it’s coming from, and see what else you can use to feed that need. It sounds like you never had people in your early life making you feel like a priority and I’m sorry about that. So of course you are still looking for that to happen for you in adulthood. ANd while I can say that you deserve that and everyone does, I know that doesn’t make it any easier to obtain.

    But to me it sounds like you are on an ok path. I think just putting yourself out there in general is a good thing. Meeting people, living your life, walking your path…it’s all gotta lead to something eventually.

    What do you think could help to feed the need to feel wanted? Are there some areas in your life where you could be helpful to others that won’t drain you but will actually lift you up?


    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    Thanks for sharing this! Did you wind up going to the local gathering for Thanksgiving? It does sound like there are some people in that area who are good to hang out with in some respects, so maybe following up with those folks can be a more fruitful idea.

    I do think as we get older it becomes harder and harder to make friends. For one thing, life becomes full of more and more responsibility and making time to just hang out and bond with friends can feel less and less realistic, if nothing else.

    But I also think that as we get older, if we are able to figure out what we want and need in relationships, our standards raise. And we becomes less willing to put us with people who are not giving us those things, or meeting our basic needs in friendship or connection.

    I think that’s what you’re saying with Jeremy. I don’t know if he’d see himself as a liar per se, because I don’t think he really sees himself or his actions very clearly. You met this guy as someone who was having multiple FWB relationships with women and lying to all of them, so it’s been very obvious from the beginning exactly who he is. I know it’s been tempting to make up other stories about him, and of course it felt good when he’d say that he cared about you and didn’t want to lose you. But at the end of the day, he will never be able to be a good partner to you let alone friend unless he makes some massive changes. And we all know how waiting for someone to make changes goes…

    I’m glad that you were able to have those conversations with him from a place of less anger. I’m glad that he helped you when you were in need. But I do think that trying to keep connecting with him is just going to keep being painful. I hope that you can move on and really see how he isn’t good enough for you. He hangs out with someone like Marcia because she has low self esteem like him. She will let him treat her like dirt and keep coming back for more. You won’t. You will say “this is what I want and deserve” amd you will be right. Deep down he knows that you are too good for him. You trying to convince him otherwise is only degrading yourself.

    You need to start believing in yourself, in your worth, in your talent, your beauty, and all of the grace you can bring to the world. I know that it feels hard to be alone, but try to focus on all of the great things you can do for yourself to make you happy.

    You say that the one great love of your life will never come again and I don’t believe that. I believe that everyday you can get better and better so that when that person does come along, this time you will be ready and able to take that leap because you will know that you are a prize. You have to believe in your soul that anyone who would trick and laugh at you is not only an evil person but also not worth your time. ANd so the fear of that can dissipate. I know that was a long time ago, but I’m sure the feelings can remain.

    It sounds like you were happy in California. What made you decide to move from there?


    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    How have you been? Sorry to be out of touch with the holidays and such. Were you able to enjoy any festivities? Hopefully you found something nourishing to fo with members of your local community.

    The text that you sent was definitely straightforward, and as you mentioned you were angry when sending it, and that was apparent. I understand that you wanted him to be able to read through the lines of your anger and look to take responsibility for what he must have done wrong in order for you to be so angry, but I do think that would be some high level thinking even for someone who knew you well and you were already deeply intimately involved with. You don’t really have that level of understanding or commitment with him, and so it’s not too far off that he responded the way that he did. You said that you don’t care about it/him anymore so we don’t have to beat a dead horse, but if you do want to break down any of the scenario more, let me know. Or who knows? By now you could be on to something totally different.

    You say that in TX & CA you don’t feel the constant ache in your heart. That sounds like a positive step! Why do you think that is? I’m assuming that Oregon is where you grew up? Have you lived other places besides these 3 spots? Is it fair to say that the relief from the pain is due to living away from your hometown, or is it due to something else specific to those two spots?
    Also, is there anything else that you’ve done to come to a more relieved and satisfied space, or has the act of moving been enough to get you to a calmer state of existence?

    I can totally understand how difficult it is to fully know that you’ve achieved something, and to act like you absolutely have it, when the tangible lack of it is so deeply felt. It’s a difficult practice, and I can see the pitfalls of using this modality to call in a partnership. While I do believe in a lot of woo and use speelwork, rituals, etc in my own life, I have found that when things are reliant on the will of other people, the manifestation can be a lot more challenging. I don’t know if I really have great success stories yet in that realm myself.

    I’m a very social person so my MO has always been to go where the people are when I want to meet others of like mind. It sounds like you are perfectly content living far out in a more remote location, and while I can appreciate that, it does seem to drastically reduce the opportunities to meet those with common interests, unless your common interests are living remotely away from most people! But there’s a distinct level of catch 22 in that reality…

    So I wonder if part of your reasoning to live away from people is the fear of rejection? The less people that you are around, the less likely it is to get close to someone that it won’t work out with? Easy to say that you “just can’t meet anyone” when you live in a town with a population of 1000 (not that I actually know the population where you live, just giving an example). Is it in fact easier to be alone when you are far away from others, instead of alone in a larger area where there are so many people but no one that you feel connected to? I’m curious how it’s been for you when you have lived in larger communities…


    in reply to: Older Single trying to date again #34858
    Coach Spyce

    Hi Rhonda,

    Yes it’s definitely difficult to make friends and have people to regularly connect with when you’re not in a place that you plan to be for awhile, and have no intention of creating community in. I do believe that so much will open up for you when you are somewhere that you feel that way about!

    I’m glad that you’re feeling more financially free and knowing your self worth. I’m sure that feels really good, and a lot more good where that came from.

    If traveling is tiring, at least I hope the good outweighs the bad. I did a lot of traveling when I was younger, and I don’t seem to really have the stamina for it anymore. I enjoy being a homebody now a lot, whereas even 10 years ago I still liked to go out all of the time. I do still have a desire to see some spots that I’ve never been, but I’m not as motivated to do so these days.

    Nice that you will be with your boys for the holiday! The night before Thanksgiving we are doing a Friendsgiving that our friends are hosting. She is from the east coast like me, and her husband is from India. They will definitely have some interesting food choices as most of the dishes will have an Indian/fusion flare. It’ll be good, but probably spicy too. We recently went to their wedding and all of the food was Indian. It was tasty, but I realized my spice level was on the weaker side. I know it’s funny with my name, but I guess my “spyce” doesn’t translate to food!

    The day of my husband and I will cook a more traditional meal and just have over one other couple. Then we will spend the evening together just watching movies and relaxing. Thanksgiving was something I always loved as a child, so it’s nice to still celebrate it in some way.

    Hope you will have a nice trip and visit!

    Coach Spyce

    Hi Jadene,

    Well it sounds like you are secure in your powers of manifestation when it comes to calling specific tangible items into your life. I understand that it’s much harder when you’re dealing with humans, especially when they’ve let you down so much in the past. It’s difficult to imagine that things would ever be another way, or to have any level of trust in that whatsoever. But what if you did?

    When you do go out with the idea in mind that you will find item X, how do you feel about it? In your mind? In your body? Do you worry or stress about it? Or do you feel at ease? Trying to call in the same energy in your personal relationships might be a key into a way to potentially be able to have the same powers of manifestation in your personal relationships. Not to say that it’s easy, but just to think on that concept a bit.

    I’m so sorry to hear of those traumatic situations that you had with those males over the course of those 9 years. What time of your life was this? What exactly was meant about “someone like him liking someone like you”? Was there a class difference? Perceived attraction/popularity difference? As I’m sure you’ve seen in all of these movies, it’s usually the popular/attractive man who is the less genuine person and the one who is more afraid of losing his fragile status, based on very little of any substance. It still sounds very hurtful and I’m sorry that you experienced that. I can totally see how it would eat away at your self esteem and destroy your self confidence and ability to see yourself as a person worthy of loving and/or being romantic with.

    That being said, you’ve obviously had some romantic/sexual relationships. Are there any that had some level of happiness, contentment, empowerment, etc to them?

    I know you’ve talked about your relationship with your family being toxic and also feeling unloved there. What about how they were with each other? What was the relationship between your parents?

    It doesn’t sound like the friend you’re mentioning actually was a healthy relationship either. If she became so controlling to you that it was toxic, then I can’t imagine she had anything that great with her husband. So that being said, it doesn’t sound like you’ve really witnessed any healthy relationships. No wonder its so difficult to not only have one, but even believe that they exist!

    I know that you are feeling down about the lack of connection in your life, and I’m sure it can feel like there is rejection around every corner. But I do believe that this dynamic can change, and that much of it is based on that you expect what you’ve had to be what you will get, and so that is what just keeps on continuing. Because here’s the thing. No one knows what you’ve been through until you let them know. Can someone tell by looking at you that you’ve had these bullying experiences before? What do you think it is that makes anyone feel like they can bully you and it’s ok? How do they know that you’re “the type of person” who will take it? Like when the friend defamed you to the boss, why is it that the boss and the mutuals believed her? Do you feel like there’s an energy that you’re putting off?

    The thing I’ve learned also is that many people don’t reach out, and it’s not me. I used to feel bad always having to reach out, but now I find that when I do it, it can come back to me tenfold. It sounds like there might be something with the group of woman and the Thanksgiving event, so I hope that you can go to that. I know it feels bad to always be the one reaching out to make connections happen, but the Universe does reward actions.

    I know too that you are also a spiritual person. Have you ever done any cord cutting, or work around past life trauma, or even ancestral curses?

    talk soon,

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