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Emilie S
ParticipantYeah first time in front of such a big crowd, I did some presentation but in front of 100 people…And I did a lot of virtual one with 500+ people but it’s not the same at all 🙂 It’s stressful before, but what’s cool is that it was in front of people from my company and one of our value is benevolence so I knew I wasn’t much at risk 😉 I don’t know if I’m really a natural or not, but that’s what people thought at least. Now I have to ensure that we are walking our talk and that we are keeping our KPIs 🙂
But right now I’m facing some “issue” with my boss. I don’t trust her, I told my boss’s boss about that (he used to be my first boss when I joined the company and I trust him). I had my compensation review, I had a good raise but she doesn’t wants to promote me senior nor director, and it’s been 2 years that she is blocking me, without giving me real reason for that, hiding about process that doesn’t exist in my company and so on…She is speaking about stuff and then when speaking with other people (I trust) I have a total different version of the story…So it’s super annoying, I tried multiple time to her that we needed trust, transparency but nothing changed…and I’m not the only one with that feeling, other people from my team are feeling the same. It’s not even only about promotion, but she is also blocking our project and then making comments about the fact they are not moving forward…I have to bypass her most of the time to get things done…
My boss’s boss said that he can’t unheard what I shared and that he will try to figure out something…The other people from my team are also planning to talk to him, so let see. Until then I keep working 🙂Sevilla is really amazing I love it…Second time as much as first time 🙂
Thanks much 🙂
Emilie S
ParticipantHi Heidi !
What a crazy week last week…I definitely have a lack of sleep and I am covid positive…BUT it worthed it lol
I’ve been able to speak in front of 900 people YES I DID IT !!!! And it seems I’m a natural speaker lol (that’s what people told me, I didn’t really feel the same at first). I had really great feedback about my “performance on stage”, I looked relaxed and engaging yes. That’s what happen I guess when you speak about a topic you are passionate about 🙂
I’ve also got great feedbacks about workshop I facilitated during the week and a Tree planting where I’ve managed to gather 350 people (even if I was competing with the beach and swimming pool).
So long story short the kick-off was amazing, I’ve finally met in person a ton of colleagues I’ve interacted with only through zoom since they joined…And I did what I love the most, inspire people about a brighter future 🙂I then spent the weekend in Sevilla and really enjoyed the city, it’s really beautiful, they have a ton of parcs, green space, it’s really nice.
Osteopath in France are not all medical doctors, at least not when my grandpa was practicing. They were not recognise as medical professional but it’s becoming more and more common. They do have extensive knowledge about body, bones, nerves, veins, …all internal connexion, and they are not allowed to prescribe meds here. They can prescribe homeopathy so only natural stuff. I know that some of our osteopath here were trained in Asia but not all of them.
I have manage to get an appointment for IRM but only next may 2nd…So until then I’ll stay “calm”, for now, not much choice, because of covid as well…Emilie
Emilie S
ParticipantHey Heidi !
Sorry I was SUPER busy these past 2 weeks…Things got crazy with our company kick-off next week, lots of project, presentation, video, activity planning to finalise with lots of twist obviously lol but I’m super happy because everything is ready 🙂 I feel a bit of pressure but exciting one not fear about speaking in front of 900 people next week and for the first time in person. But I am confident it will be ok, and that’s my opportunity to inspire people 🙂
I just need to pack everything now, and be on time for my flight tomorrow morning !Haha I just don’t like shopping that much to be honest, I find it a bit of waste of time lol
But I like to go to small market and discuss with vendors 🙂 it’s a bit different than grocery store…
We do have home delivery aswell and amazon started to do it here in France aswell but it’s not that great, I tried it when I came back from the mountain as I didn’t had time to go to the grocery but it was a bit expensive and product not that great…Nevermind I’m able to manage to skip grocery and guy obviously lolAnd yes I’m laughing to myself remembering those moments when I was crying to avoid walking lol Now I can walk for hours and I am happy about it 🙂 just enjoying the walk itself and being able to watch everything around me. During the past 2 weekend I indeed did a lot of walk around in Paris, to avoid public transport and also because the weather was so great I’d rather prefer to be outside than inside a tube !
To be honest I have no idea why I hated it so much…I guess it’s just because I couldn’t play, or read or do what I wanted to do by that time lol Also I remember, that being fat wasn’t helping because you know my thighs were rubbing on each other and i was very irritated afterwards…Nevermind, only fool never change and never evolve or improve themselves 🙂 And I’m not one lolI was seeing an osteopath before going for first imagery and physiotherapist but he wasn’t able to manage the tendinite part of the healing. I’ll go for the new imagery after the Spain trip and maybe we will be able to identify what I still have pain…My grandfather was an osteopath so I’m pretty used to go to see one 🙂 and I do trust their perspective obviously lol it’s just before physiotherapy it wasn’t working…
And yes libra with gemini ascending, no wonder why I’ve sometime such a hard time to make decision, I’m fighting with my 2 personalities + always weigh the pros and cons of each action lol but I’m embracing it that’s just who I am 🙂
Hope you’re doing well !
Emilie S
ParticipantHaha it’s even « worst » than that…i am libra ascendant gemini. So I definitely have this duality in me loool
Yeah he bailed out, but i don’t really care lol. I would just have enjoy hooking up and removing « work tension » with him but i am also ok like that. I really have so much work these days that i don’t really have time if i want to sleep and do sports lol. And i really need both !! (Yesterday i stopped working at midnight)
And when i was young, I did enjoy some sports, i always loved swimming but i think i didn’t liked sport because i was fat and not feeling comfortable while practicing. And in fact i didn’t like sport in school but i liked the one i was doing outside swimming, karate. It’s just i stopped these sports at 15 when i joined high school because the training practice were not fitting my school agenda…and then I started again during my engineering school. Also i remember when i was a kid i hated walking, i could cry when we were going for long walk with my family loool, now i love that lol
And no I don’t lift weight because of my shoulder mainly right now 😅😅 i am doing a little in my sport programs but not in gym. I had a trainer when i was in India, so i know how to do all the exercise, and part of my shoulder rehab was also about using my shoulder the right way because of this hypermobility sso i am paying more attention to it. but this recurring pain is annoying because we don’t understand where it’s coming from…i have my doc appointment this friday to request the imagery subscription and then i will try to get an appointment for it but i think it will be after spain…i had an echo last year for the shoulder but it seems we were not able to see everything…
And yes i do like how i eat 🙂 it’s simple and good lol and it definitely request a bit of organisation especially now that i am going back to the office 1 or 2 days a week. I am doing batch cooking during the weekend and i prepare food almost for full week, and when i don’t have anymore i am preparing a mix salad lol. Problem with industrial food is that it doesn’t meet my body needs first and then all sugar, salt, chemicals … so better to prep my own at least i know exactly what i am eating even if sometime it’s not totally « healthy ».
And i love to cook (not as much as pastry but i enjoy !!) What i don’t like is going to grocery and market 🤷♀️ I need a guy who likes this part 🤣🤣Emilie
Emilie S
ParticipantLol it seems that’s what libra are…Else a dream else a nightmare lol
I had some news from this guy (from long time) so we won’t meet, he says that his mind is somewhere else and he is super busy and that he needs to focus on himself right now…Nevermind, just wanted to have fun so it won’t be with him in the end 🙂
Yeah it was a busy weekend lol but it’s cool 🙂
And no sport this weekend was just about cycling, I still have some pain in my shoulder so I’m still not back on pole training, I need to do extra imagery exam because we don’t really understand what’s wrong with it…
I’m doing some fitness during weekdays, but I avoid putting too much effort on the shoulder part, more focusing on lower body, and abs and back but really little when it comes to shoulder exercise.When I grew up, I practiced swimming for 5 years I think, Karate also 8 years, when really little I was doing classical dance for 3 years, I played tennis a bit also but not really regular…I was doing a lot of cycling with my dad and that’s it lol I didn’t really enjoyed sports that much by that time. I’ve really started to like it when I was a student so around 21 years old, and since then I didn’t stop, except when I had my back surgery obviously…but now I practice something on a daily basis, it can be cycling, fitness, yoga (not too much lately because of shoulder aswell) and pole dance when I was able to lol and other dance, and Zumba also. I also practiced a bit of running at some point (during 4 years), I’ve put myself a challenge to run a 10kms official race, I did it and I stopped loool My ankles were suffering too much of this. I am what they call hyper lax, so all my joints can suffer a lot (that’s what happen with my shoulder) and also what used to happen with my ankles, I had multiples sprains on both ankles, without knowing it…So I stopped, better for me 🙂
As for nutrition plan, I have something associated with my fitness plan, I got it from a certified coach, and during 3 months they teach you how to prepare your meal, and give you some recipe exemple according to your training plan, then it’s up to you to follow it all your life.
So I’m following it more or less lol “Brioches” are not really part of it but I’m having this little extra treat 🙂
For breakfast I’m having eggs, fruits, and brioche and coffee. I’m having again a fruit around 11 am. For lunch usually it’s protein based (animals or vegetal one) with vegetables. Same I have something around 4pm, fruits or yogurts. and Dinner (if I trained) is protein based (animals or vegetal one) + vegetables + carbs. All these according to my weights and if I’m doing more cardio based training or fitness / musculation ones. But it’s not really fixed lol I am having cheese something…And if I’m going to a restaurant I’m not restraining myself. The only thing is that I’m preparing all my meals, nothing from the industry. So it’s more or less “healthy” lol.Emilie
Emilie S
Participant🤣🤣🤣 thanks ! I am 🙂
I warned them…I can either be their most beautiful dream or their worst nightmare…it seems they didn’t believe it 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️ So they will have to learn it the hard way 😅😅😅
What’s your plan for the weekend ?
Me i am going to the vet for my dog and her allergy, then i have to go to grocery because i didn’t get time since i am back…and i need to eat lol i will do sport obviously and pastry because i missed my week challenge (not possible in the mountain) and i was supposed to meet a friend this afternoon but she might have covid and as i am going for lunch with my grandma tomorrow i don’t want to take any risk…and i have a new vaccin jab tomorrow afternoon so after it will be resting time. I am thinking to go to movie theatre but i will see if i am up for it or no after.
Emilie S
ParticipantHey 🙂
Yes I came back home on Wednesday afternoon and I was directly back to work, and looooots of work lol
I already miss the mountain and space there lol
But I am also happy to be back and work on my projects. Things are moving in the right direction but so much stuff to prepare before my company kickoff lolYes I’m totally me lol just taking a BIG step back and enjoying my life. He is still confusing, he is in Argentina and still looking all my story or post on Facebook, commenting them, reacting to them…I’m not reading or answering lol but he keeps doing it…If I were him I would just enjoy being abroad in this foreign country and cutting phones and all. But he is not apparently…lol
I told the other guy I was back, but he didn’t propose a date so I’m not running after him, if he wants to meet he will say something otherwise that’s ok…I’m busy, I have a lot of friends to meet and family also to visit so that’s ok lol
Emilie S
ParticipantOh yes sun is changing everything…i took a full jab of vitamins lol
But not restful because lot of work in fact but seeing the mountains while working made it easy lol
We definitely don’t have 300 days of sun in Paris 🤣🤣For the guy in fact we spoke a little last sunday/monday and it was still super confusing. He was asking if I spoke about him to my grandma, because he asked what she thoughts about his « love message » to her and she said « that’s ok but i would rather prefer him sending you love message » (lol my grandma is a killer). And then he insisted on what she knews…and then he was sending me message telling me we were coose as he was in switzerland and i was like yeah and so what? So i am finally going full silent since then. He is anyway in Argentina now and will be back the 22nd and i am leaving for Spain on the 28th so I think it will be one month of silent mode on my side. I need it 🙂
EmilieEmilie S
ParticipantYessss and I am SO happy…It was supposed to rain starting today until my departure (even when my family would be there) but it’s now all sunny days ahead 😀 I LOVE IT !!!!!! I’m sure it’s thanks to your positive vibes 😉
I’m not resting that much here, working a lot in fact, I have a lot on my plate, but for good so I’m ok with that ! I’m just dealing differently than in Paris my work life balance lol but I’m happy that tomorrow night is weekend and then few days off 🙂
Yes for wheels I don’t know, it’s not only car ones, cycle also any type of wheels in fact…lol Anyway she is enjoying being there, walking around and I’ll take her a bit more in the mountain during the weekend.
Emilie S
ParticipantIt’s indeed super powerful !!! I’m enjoying working on the terrasse under the sun each morning lol
And also taking small “power nap” while taking some breaks, it feels so good. I was missing the sun lol
And the view here is amazing I can see the “Mont Blanc” just in front of me and I love it. It’s my peaceful places for meditation and visualisation as I mentioned earlier, and I can’t stop watching at it lol. But it seems the weather is going to change, and they are predicting rain and cloud in coming days…Let see, it’s changing so fast here…My pup do like it for sure, we are having walks in the morning, lunch time and evening and she is spending a lot of time in the garden with me as well 🙂
Sadly I can’t let her off leash, she never learns, and there are some car here, and I don’t know why it’s like she is attracted by their wheels so she is always trying to go under…So it’s too dangerous :/ Not that she would take off, if I’m in the forest or a place where there is no road and cars I can do that, she would always check if I’m around lolEmilie
Emilie S
ParticipantHehe thanks ! I’m glad and happy too lol
Let’s hope that there won’t be anymore roller coaster on this one 😀Yes it will happen after his trip to Argentina and mine to Spain I suppose…Let see.
I had a safe travel but super long one, lots of traffic jam…But I reached safe and had an amazing Sunday with blue sky and sun. I napped outside and took a “sunbath” while doing meditation in the garden and my dog enjoyed the garden aswell. We also went for some walk. Sadly there isn’t much snow where I am so she is enjoying but not as much as usual lol
Emilie S
ParticipantThat’s my grandma’s flat there. That’s also where we were during our ski trip with the guy. I’m going there today, will work during the week from there and then I took 2 days off in addition of the weekend. My sister will join me on Saturday, and then my parents are coming from UK for holidays so I’ll just spend 2 days with them (because I already had work commitment for the days after). But it’s good, I’ll be able to ski a little and just enjoy the landscape and peace place there as well 🙂
Hopefully my internet connexion will work properly lol.
And yes my dog loves mountain and snow, you know (or maybe not) she is a lassa apso (Tibetan), so she definitely enjoyed being there, even though I had her in India I guess it’s in her blood lolFor work, it’s just crazy it’s roller coaster every day lol I ended my week on a super positive call with my CEO and CRO, and they are super supportive on my project and program, we had a great discussion and they are happy to move forward, we now have (me and my team mate) a recurrent slot in exec meeting to show progress towards our goal…So I’m less frustrated today than during this week, where I was under the impression that all the work we’ve done during last year and last months were back to 0 due to some changes for my company kick-off…But it seems that everything is ok again lol
So now I’m back on my positive vibes 🙂 (which doesn’t mean I’m not irritated / a bit frustrate about the guy lol – but just, I’m in a better mood to address this). And I got what you mean, I guess I had this energy and I was ready to have this conversation with him, but I wanted it to be in person, just being able to watch him directly in the eyes, and really see if his words were align with “his soul” and everything, and being ready to tell him “ok that’s not what I’m looking for, we are not align, I’ll take some distance from you” instead of taking the distance like I’m doing now without any explanation. It’s just I don’t want to do it over messages, but maybe I’ll give him a call at some point but I find it weird, to do so, because it’s “late” and I’m having the feeling that it’s better face to face. But never mind, I’ll figure this out. First I need to focus on driving 6 hours with my dog and enjoy my mountain trip a little without thinking about him 🙂 That’s all for me and only me right now !
He sent me messages and pics from Switzerland but I didn’t answer. I’m ok with that, not even feeling guilty anymore of ignoring him (you know this “unrespectful feeling” I had when doing that at first. I’m respecting myself and my needs now).As for the hookup guy, I think he is just playing “the male” but to be honest I don’t really care, hooking up is just for fun. I don’t know him enough to want more, we are friends, but I don’t know him as much as I know the other guy for exemple, so nothing deep in this, just a way for me to free my mind, and grow my super sex appeal power loool Not that I can’t do it myself, but you know…lol
Thanks for your energetic support 😀 that’s maybe why I’m doing better day by day 😉
Emilie S
ParticipantYou have embraced one of your super powers and I love that! << I always knew my eyes were my super power lol. I just wanted to have blue eyes when I was really little lol
But either way, you are having a reaction about the ambiguity! FINALLY!! <<< I wasn’t “angry” at first, because I was playing same game and not too sure what I wanted, expected or anything in fact…I was just enjoying the time, just trying to figure out things, where I was at, if it was real attraction or just “co-dependance” things…
I got mad for you when you first told me about it and you defended him. << I’m still thinking what I told you when you got upset and mad after him lol, I still think we didn’t reach the same level of healing / consciousness and he is still behind on this. So I’m upset and not really upset, because I’m not in his shoes, and lots of stuff are going on for him…
And to be honest I don’t know if I’m really upset after him or if it’s a whole thing, right now I’m having a lot of roller coaster at works, project I worked on so hard, that got approved, that I was supposed to introduce in front of 900+ people during my next company kick-off are now on pause because of some priorities…So until my job was ok, I was ok about him, but now that everything is a mess I’m a bit more upset with him lol I’m upset because I know he would be a good listener, he would help me to calm down and everything, but right now as it’s super ambiguous I don’t want to share with him lol.
I’m super happy that I’ve got the approval to go to work from the mountain next week, I need this natural break, even if I’ll be working, I’ll be able to go for long walk and all. Mountain is my manifestation visualisation, it keeps me calm and all. So I need it lolNow…it seems you are feeling the effects it’s having on you a little more. This is good! A drop of anger in love = assertion. Use it! << how come it’s good ? lol what are you suggesting ?
Yes Greenwashing is the term people use to refer to company marketing their green initiative when it’s just bullshit and they are still harming the environment as fuck…Like Oil and Gas industry and so on…And yes we do have time to check lol I’m working for an Artificial Intelligence company…So checking and analysing data is our day to day job 🙂 It’s becoming more and more common to check alignment between messaging and concrete action, it’s super tricky, because even in my case, our Climate Program is ambitious, but we could be call out for greenwashing as we are working with some company that are part of the problem…And even if you can try to convince yourself, that they would always work with someone, and that you could be the trigger point for their change…Right now they are not really doing anything…(That’s a bit why my project is on a pause right now again).
As for the hook up guy, it will be after my ski trip if it’s still happening lol yesterday he told me “I want to forget you as much as I want you that’s what got me so excited about you” loool once again a guy who doesn’t know what he wants…
Emilie S
ParticipantMy reaction is a mix I would say…Just him playing it hot and cold all the time, the ambiguity, then silence, then again ambiguity…But yes I’ve probably bond deeper during our ski trip.
The message wasn’t offensive in itself, but I don’t know I was in my “special moment” after this shelter event, and him breaking the silence at this very moment broke my “moment” lol
I’ve sent him a message but in a group message in fact for our May trip with some friends, because I got to know I was going to the exact same city for work right after one of the weekend we were thinking to go there so asked if it was ok for everyone to choose this date. And we all spoke a bit about org but that’s it 🙂For the other guy, he sent me a message this morning he totally forgot he had a Bachelor party prep with his friends on Thursday so we have to postpone it to after my ski trip but that’s ok lol. And yes probably hook up, I wouldn’t mind either I guess, but let see, it’s been 2 years we didn’t met so we will see if attraction is still there lol
We do have a company kick-off so it’s half work half fun lol
As for the environment, yes don’t trust everything you see…Lots of controversy, greenwashing and so on…But you need to start somewhere !! Step by step 🙂 And I’m doing ok on a salary part, I would be happy with more obviously but I can’t complain, and I’m doing a job I love where I know I can have an impact so I know I’m lucky on that part. Not always feeling like working (I do a lot though lol) but, I enjoy it and I’m happy to work every morning (even if I’m not a morning person lol).
You know as I lived in India, I’m already super open about this topic, but it feels even stronger when it’s in your own country. I always felt I wasn’t a social person, but I’m totally a social person lol I love to create connection…Hahaha yes I had a poems, an invitation for a 5 stars restaurants, and lots of compliments lol My eyes are mainly green, but I have a touch of yellow/brown in the center and grey all around. But you know it was the only part of my face they were able to see because of the mask we were wearing (and we were in fact wearing kind of surgeon outfit lol so all cover). One of my colleague last Monday only recognised me because of my eyes (we didn’t met since last November I guess because of covid and all) and I loose weight, so he didn’t recognise me at first (he is also wearing glasses that are not helping him to see far lol it’s for laptop usage).
So yes my eyes are definitely powerful, I am always getting compliments, they are super expressive also. The guy, (1st one not the hookup one), he loved them a lot, and all guys I’ve dated in fact and even those I didn’t date loool.
And when looking at them you always know how I feel, if I’m happy, sad, mad – super mad lol – (I can’t play poker) the guy said that when I was upset they turned into weapon loool. He said that he never saw someone with eyes so light & bright that could turn so dark if something wasn’t ok – he mentioned that during the wedding of our friend, he thought I would slap someone because she was pissing me off, but just my eyes are enough to shut someones down loool I don’t need violence lol. We have a song in France and it says “She has gun eyes, she has a look that kills, she fired the first shot, she hit me, it’s over” That song could have been written for me loool
He said that he never wants to see me looking at him like that lool
I love my eyes, when I was little I wanted to have blue eyes (I had for only a year lol) like my mom, aunt, grandma…but now I prefer mine, it’s more unique. I’m the only one with this color in my family right now. My father has brown eyes, real brown one, not that dark but still, and all my brothers & sisters same all brown, a bit lighter for some of them but no green. My father’s sister has a bit of green but they are not as light as mine. From what I understood I have inheritated it from my great great mother on my mom’s side but I can’t remember. But it’s also because I have long lashes so I have what we call in French a “doe look”. So that’s definitely my seduction weapon looolEmilie
Emilie S
ParticipantHaha sorry I used the French word, I think the translation would be “healer”. My experience was “fun”, I spoke with her over the phone, she was in Switzerland and me in Paris. She asked me where my eczema was mostly located, when would I have crisis and she told me, ok I’ll make a potion, starting 8pm tonight you don’t put water or moisturiser anymore on it, you’ll have a crisis during 4 days, and then you’ll get rid of it. And…everything happened just the way she told me lol
My scientific me would say that it’s logic, because eczema is nourishing itself with moisturiser and when treating it you are just calming but it’s still under the skin ready to come back, if you don’t treat it you kill everything….But that might not be only that, Brain power as well !!
What you shared about speed of lights os super interesting, and is quite align with what my manifestation coach is sharing, but for her it’s only a question of “meant to be”, it’s definitely a question of energy, the fact that you have multiple parallel universe and you can “choose” or “influence” which parallels life will turn to your reality by aligning yourself with your energy and the global univers energy…I like this idea, of being a “bit” in control lol (you know me can’t let everything goes). I love this topic !Hahaha I spoke to him in fact, we were still friend even though we didn’t really spoke since covid happen but he liked some picture I shared so I was like, let’s get some news, and then he opens up lol. Yes it felt good, but this sex appeal things I was already aware haha. But yes it always feels good to have confirmation. I’m meeting him for diner on Thursday, want to have fun lol
And also remove the other guy from my head for some time…I read his message from last time, it was about someone looking for pole dancer and then a picture of a restaurant with a name looking alike “fuck off” (can’t translate exactly the French joke). I told him that what I was seeing was more like he couldn’t stop to find something to think about me. And he answered “Were you doubting of that”. And I told him “not for a second, I know you have me under your skin”. And then silence from him until last night where he shared some pics about a video game we played together during ski trip saying I’m waiting for you, it’s easier but less funny without you. I didn’t answer, this message upsetted me…Like how come you are fucking silent and then just drop this…I wasn’t in a mood to answer and still not.
He is going to Switzerland tomorrow and will be back next Monday, I’m heading to mountain again this Saturday and will come back next Sunday and by that time he will be in a plane for Argentina. We might have few days where we will be both in Paris before I’ll fly to Spain for my company kick-off and stay over the next weekend…So I don’t think we will meet before April…And until then I think I’m going to keep my distance and remain more or less silent…For the impact on the world and at work, it’s mainly by raising awareness around the fact that social justice and environmental topic are both linked and that you can’t really choose to act only on one side. I do have a role to ensure my company is accountable on its environmental impact, and I’m launching a Climate Program to reduce our negative impact and inspire our customers, partners to do the same. So it’s a lot of trainings, awareness raising, review or software solution, our habits and so on. I’m also supporting our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team.
And I’m also in charge of our philanthropic program so doing a lot of work to give back to the community. So my role is to build partnership with non profit, work on some specific initiatives, onboard my colleagues and promote the work of the non-profit to a broader audience. I’m raising money for them also, but most important for us is to give time, create connection, and all. I’m working and mentoring youth from underprivileged area, supporting women transitioning career into the tech industry, …(lots of different topics lol)
Yesterday evening I had an amazing and super powerful evening in a homeless and people in need shelter, I spent 3 hours distributing meals to these peoples, having quick chat with them and make them smile. It was one of the best moment I had, great connection, only acting for someone else happiness, give them energy, hope…I was there with 5 of my colleagues and we were able to distribute more than 450 meals. Being confronted to this directly, even when you know it does exist is super different, you know there is something much more bigger than your own needs. And when you see how just sharing some few words, a smile and your time can provide happiness to people it’s priceless. Some of the people I met gave me poems about my eyes, one of them told me he would invite me to a real restaurant, some were just thanking me for being there and sharing my energy with them…Really super powerful.
That’s also why I was so upset after the guy when I received his message, I was super emotional – positive emotion thanks to this event – and his message brought me into a negative space, it wasn’t aligned at all with my mood at that time…But this morning I was again super positive, just remembering last evening and all those people I helped. But still not feeling like talking to him lol. So yes just going to have fun with this other guy and enjoy myself.