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Next month you’ll have the chance to see the newest special report addressing one of these important questions. Each report is packed full of advice from James and the BeIrresistible.com team.

And most importantly, I want to remind you that unsubscribing means you’ll lose access to our network of relationship coaches and other women you have been interacting with in our private, members-only forum.

Why not stick with us and maintain your important investment in yourself. Just one single idea can make an incredible difference in your quality of life and relationship outcomes. Of all the things you’re going to spend money on during the next month, don’t put your relationships last. Don’t let a pizza or a pair of movie tickets replace the steady flow of new ideas you receive from James and his team of researchers.

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Whatever you do, I want to thank you for being a BeIrresistible.com member, and I want to remind you live life to the fullest!

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