Reveal That Secret or Keep It Hidden?

Discover when & how to reveal a secret … & when to keep it to yourself

Are you concerned that a secret you have, if told, could change the way your man thinks about you?

Do you fear that telling him your secret could end the relationship? Do you imagine that he’ll look at you differently once you’ve told him … that he may be horrified and repulsed and pull away instantly?

Or maybe you wonder if the secret is even worth telling … and that maybe you should just keep it to yourself?

Well, I Know How You Feel …

Hi, it’s Amy Waterman and I used to believe my secret would make me unlovable.

So I didn’t tell the men I dated. It was only when I got into a relationship and couldn’t hide it anymore that I confessed the truth.

And guess what I learned? I learned not to trust a man’s initial reaction to what I told him. All guys say it’s okay, it’s cool, it doesn’t change how they feel. But inside they may be uncomfortable and that could lead to them not calling or seeing you anymore.

So should you tell that secret … or keep it hidden? And if you do decide to tell it, how should you do it?

To help you answer these questions and more, I have created a new mini-course entitled, “The Law of Revealing Secrets: Whether to Tell, When to Tell, How to Tell.”

Here is just some of what you’ll learn:

  • What happens when you tell a secret – find out how sharing a secret can bring you two closer together as well as how “oversharing” the wrong information can wreck a relationship
  • The Secret Test you can use to determine whether a guy is ready to hear your “big secret” – if you do “this” and he does “that” he is definitely NOT ready!
  • The Law of Revealing Secrets – some secrets may actually be better off not revealed … find out here a simple rule of thumb you can use to determine if you should share your secret with your guy or not … this will help you gain clarity and peace of mind!
  • There is a right way to tell a secret and a wrong way – discover three common mistakes girls often make when sharing secrets and how to avoid all of them
  • Finally, I’ll also give you a sample script you can use to ensure you tell your secret the right way should you choose to reveal it

It’s Time You Learned the Difference Between an Unhealthy Secret & Private Information!

This mini-course is not about forcing you to reveal your secret. I’m not going to tell you keeping secrets harm relationships.

The truth is I get frustrated when people claim that keeping a secret makes you a bad person. You have the right to privacy, even in an intimate relationship.

Sometimes keeping things private can even make your relationship hotter.

However, there is a difference between keeping an unhealthy secret and keeping certain information private. 

In this mini-course, you’ll learn how to tell the difference between the two as well as the right way to reveal a secret so that it makes your relationship stronger instead of sabotaging it.  

Order now and you’ll only pay $9 for this information-packed mini-course. Plus, you’ll receive this special gift:

  • “The Law of Revealing Secrets” audio … so you can listen in your car or while you work out!

I’m pricing this mini-course as low as possible in order to help as many women as possible. Get your copy today to discover the truth about whether to reveal a secret and, if you do, when and how to do it. Plus, your purchase will be backed by an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee!

My Unconditional, 60-Day Guarantee!

If you are not satisfied with this mini-course for any reason – or no reason at all – you can request a full refund of your purchase price within 60 days of your date of purchase.

To put it simply, I wrote this mini-course to help you and if it doesn’t – then I don’t want your money.

So Should You Reveal That Secret or Not?

In “the Law of Revealing Secrets” I am going to walk you through the process of deciding whether to reveal your secret and, if so, when you should do it.

I’m also going to offer you a tool called the Law of No Negative Surprises and a script to use if/when you decide to tell him your secret.

I’ll also tell you my own personal “Secret Test” that I use to determine if a man can handle my secret.

In other words, I’m going to fully prepare you to handle this difficult situation … that destroys so many relationships … in the best way possible.

Get “The Law of Revealing Secrets” today to learn how to take the shame away from having a secret and instead use it to make your bond with your guy even stronger.

  • Yes! Amy, I want to get my hands on this mini-course so I can learn whether to tell, when to tell and how to tell a secret!”
  • I understand I will receive INSTANT digital access to “The Law of Revealing Secrets.”
  • I will also receive 10 detailed question and answer case studies from
    women who went through the exact situation I’m going through.
  • I also understand that I have a full 60-Day 100% No Questions Asked
    Money-Back Guarantee so I have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Just $9!

Reveal That Secret or Keep It Hidden?

Questions? Call 1-800-755-4364 or contact Support

To your happiness,

Amy Waterman

P.S. In this mini-course, you’ll also learn how men typically reactto hearing a secret and which reaction is a clear indication that they could be a great long-term partner – what you learn here may surprise you!  

P.P.S. Remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this low price while you can! If “The Law of Revealing Secrets” isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money immediately.

Want to learn more about our iron-clad, 60-day, 100% refund policy?

Check out our refund video below

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