Discover How to Master
the Art of ‘Blurting’ …
Learn to Communicate Better With Your Partner
(Yes, Even When He Withdraws) … & Reach a
Deeper Level of Intimacy in Your Relationship!
Are you feeling frustrated because you are in a relationship with a man who often withdraws and becomes distant?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
Hi, I’m author Amy Waterman and if you are feeling stressed and conflicted by the lack of communication in your relationship, I have some news for you:
You don’t have to accept behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable!
The whole point of relationships is to enrich each other’s lives. If one of you is doing something that causes the other person pain, then you need to talk about it.
Let me put it this way – If he shuts off from you every time he’s feeling a little stressed, you’ve got a long and hard life ahead. He needs to learn to let you know when he needs some space, rather than pushing you away.
At the same time, you need to learn to come clean about what you’re feeling, rather than trying to hide it and gain reassurance in other ways.
Now here’s the good news: there’s a technique called “blurting” that can turn both of the above into reality in your current relationship!
So What Exactly is ‘Blurting’ & How Can It
Help You Get Along Better with Your Partner?
In common parlance, blurting is synonymous with saying the wrong thing.
You blurt something out, and you regret it later.
But that’s NOT what we are talking about here.
What we are talking about here is being able to blurt out what’s on your mind in a healthy way.
Blurting is not about giving yourself free rein to blame, accuse, or attack.
It’s about clearing the air so that you’re both on the same page.
Look, we all make up stories about our experiences. We string together facts in a way that makes sense to us but isn’t necessarily true. We put motives inside other people’s head. We interpret their behavior in a way that supports our own beliefs.
Unfortunately, these stories can play a BIG role in unhealthy relationships.
Blurting gives you permission to point out when you’re feeling that the wrong story is being told about you. It also allows you to address three keys to having a healthy relationship:
- Being able to talk about fears
- Being able to talk about needs
- Being able to talk about boundaries
Find Out How to Blurt Your Way to a Better Relationship!
To help you improve the communication in your relationship, I have written a new book entitled, “Blurting: A Breakthrough Communication Method.”
In this book, I address what love avoidance is, what love addiction is, and why those two traits often attract each other. Then I explain why communication is so important to overcoming the natural roadblocks to happiness that arise when a “love avoidant” meets a “love addict.”
It is incredibly important for you and your significant other to be radically honest with each other. Good communication really does change everything. It opens the door to intimacy.
Here is more of what you will learn on the pages of this powerful book:
- What a “love avoidant man” is, how to recognize him and how to use blurting to correct your communication issues with him and establish a happier, more fulfilling relationship!
- What a “love addict” is and what can go wrong when a love avoidant meets a love addict – plus, ways to end the resulting “dance of avoidance” and take the relationship to new levels of intimacy and satisfaction
- How to use blurting to cultivate radical honesty in your relationship so that you and your significant other no longer have to resort to “playing games with each other”
- How to blurt with finesse so that you get your point across without hurting his feelings or putting him on the defensive!
- How to stop squashing down your needs to make the other person happy – you can be happy in a relationship, too, and you’ll find out how to bring that about here!
- And much more!
Get on the Path to True Relationship Healing
With Better Communication!
Maybe you notice his body language has changed … Maybe he’s not looking at you, and he’s shifting his body away from you …
Maybe you notice he rarely responds to your texts unless he wants to see you … Maybe you notice he hardly calls you anymore …
Through the blurting communication method you can get to the bottom of what is really going on and avoid potentially hurtful misunderstandings. To learn how to communicate better with your partner order your copy of “Blurting: A Breakthrough Communication Method” today.
Order now and you’ll only pay $9 for this enlightening mini-course. Plus, you’ll receive this special gift:
- The “Blurting: A Breakthrough Communication Method” audio … so you can listen in your car or while you work out!
I’m pricing this mini-course as low as possible in order to help as many women as possible. Get your copy today to find out how to master the art of “blurting” so that you can take the communication and intimacy in your relationship to a whole new level. Plus, your purchase will be backed by an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee!

If you are not satisfied with this mini-course for any reason – or no reason at all – you can request a full refund of your purchase price within 60 days of your date of purchase.
To put it simply, I wrote this mini-course to help you and if it doesn’t – then I don’t want your money.
Remember, We All Want to be Understood
by the Ones We Love!
Find out how to better express what you are feeling in your relationship! Order this special mini-course now.
Get Instant Access To “Blurting: A Breakthrough Communication Method”
- “Yes! Amy, I want to get my hands on this mini-course so I can learn to communication better with my partner and increase the intimacy in our relationship!”
- I understand I will receive INSTANT digital access to “Blurting: A Breakthrough Communication Method”
- I will also receive 10 detailed question and answer case studies from
women who went through the exact situation I’m going through. - I also understand that I have a full 60-Day 100% No Questions Asked
Money-Back Guarantee so I have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Just $9!
To your happiness,
Amy Waterman
P.S. Good communication, like using the blurting method, helps you and your partner better see each other as human beings, both flawed and full of promise. And it lays the foundation for a lifetime of love. Get this mini-course and discover how to improve the communication between you and your loved one!
P.P.S. Remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this low price while you can! If “Blurting: A Breakthrough Communication Method” isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money immediately.
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