Flip on Your Sexy Switch with the 3 Rs
Hi everybody, it’s Amy.
Today I have a fantastic book for women who feel too tired for sex or even too tired to feel sexy. Let’s admit we all have a lot going on; from juggling jobs, children, spouses, housework, and more it’s easy to put sex on the back burner.
Trying to take care of everyone else may have caused you to neglect your own needs. Worrying about everyone and trying to fix their problems is very draining both mentally and physically, especially when you know there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.
Right now you may be asking yourself what the 3 Rs are. Do they stand for reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmatic like in the old song, “School Days”? Well, even though many men find a smart woman sexy, those are not the Rs I discuss in the book.
What makes you feel sexy? Is it looking like a swimsuit model? Wearing a French maid costume with stilettos? Having a stripper pole installed in your bedroom?
The 3 Rs will sound tame in comparison with the above, but believe it or not, sexiness comes from within; not from wearing a certain dress size, or being young, or wearing the right makeup, or having plastic surgery. Sexiness springs from your relationship with yourself.
It’s all about priorities. So if you’re ready to get your groove back, here are a few things you can start doing right now:
- Show your partner kindness, respect, and caring each day.
- Do little things for each other.
- Kiss and touch throughout the day
- Talk about the characteristics you love about your partner.
- Make sure you plan some one-on-one time each day.
- Talk about what’s going on in your relationship.
Once a week have a date night and do something fun like bowling, dancing, go to the movies, shoot pool at your local bar, or anything else the two of you enjoy doing together.
The 3 Rs That Will Activate Your Sexy Switch
Guess what, you don’t need to buy a new dress or lingerie to feel sexy. The quickest way to get on the path to finding your sexiness is with the 3 Rs:
- Rest – it’s really hard to feel sexy when you’re exhausted. If you’re chronically tired you need physical and mental rest. Prioritize sleep. Make it as important as diet and exercise.
- Relax – when your mind is like a hamster running nowhere in its wheel, it’s hard to focus on anything else. Find ways to switch off the squeaky wheel with yoga, meditation, and tantra, which I give more detail on in the book.
- Relate – relate to your partner with some one-on-one time and just enjoy each other’s company. With so much going on it’s often hard to find the time to connect, but again this should be a priority.
It’s time to own your sexiness, so get ready to Flip on Your Sexy Switch with the 3 Rs. Sexiness comes from within and that means no one can take it from you.

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