Are You Wondering Why Your Man Fails to Connect and Commit?
Here’s how to avoid wasting your time and discover the kind of relationship you truly deserve.
From: James Bauer
Re: How do I know if my guy is even capable of really committing to me?
Dear Friend,
Do you want to be in a relationship with a man who makes you feel cherished and loved?
Many women stay in a relationship far too long before realizing they are wasting time.
Maybe your man makes empty promises on a consistent basis or cringes when you want to talk about the future. Or maybe he’s just confused about what he wants.
How can you tell the difference between a man who is confused about what he wants and a man who is actually emotionally unavailable?
How do you tell the difference?
If you’re wondering how to answer this question yourself, your relationship could be headed in the wrong direction.
Here’s the good news. I can help you make the right decision about the future of your relationship.
Many women have expressed these same concerns in their relationships and you don’t have to make crucial decisions about what you should do all by yourself.
Even if you’ve been in your relationship for a long time, isn’t it time you figured out whether or not you should invest more of your time and energy into it?
But I do want to let you know that there’s a simple way to discover if your man will truly be able to commit when you…
Follow Three Simple Decision Factors to Decide if Your Relationship is Worth Keeping
You know that we only get one life and you don’t want to waste any of it on a guy who just isn’t right for you.
But when you follow three key decision factors, they can help you determine whether you’re with a man who’s simply confused about what he wants or a man who is hopelessly unavailable.
That’s why I put together a special strategy video session called, The Emotionally Unavailable Man Unmasked. By watching this video, you can learn how to stop attracting the wrong type of man and steer your relationships in the direction you want.
As a dating expert and relationship coach, I receive a TON of correspondence from women struggling to figure out if their man will ever be able to commit to them. Many of them wonder if they should continue to tough it out and see if it gets better, or get out before they waste anymore of their precious time.
I have talked with a lot of women about this problem, and done extensive research of my own. Now I’m ready to share my insights with you so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
As with all my other Irresistible Insights mini-courses and videos, it is my goal to give you proven strategies to help you avoid frustrations and resolve any problems you may be facing within your relationship.
This video holds to those same principles of brief but effective information presented in a format that allows you to quickly take action.
Once you watch the video, you will be able to figure out if your guy just doesn’t know how to express himself or if he is permanently unavailable to you.
By watching The Emotionally Unavailable Man Unmasked video, you can:
- Learn three key decision factors for the future of your relationship
- Recognize the two main characteristics of the emotionally unavailable man
- Understand the difference between emotional unavailability and poor emotional communication skills. (Plus what to do about it!)
- Discover six patterns you’ll see in an emotionally unavailable man
This video is packed with proven tips and strategies so you can…
Build a Healthy Relationship With a Man Who Can Offer You a True Emotional Commitment
When you focus on being in a healthy relationship, you can:
- Feel comfortable expressing your feelings and intentions
- Empower yourself with the knowledge you need to avoid attracting the wrong guy
- Develop the confidence to be self-aware and create a more fulfilling relationship
- Avoid wasting time and choose a man that is right for you
Given the importance of material covered in this video, and how difficult it is to find information on this specific topic, you may wonder what it will cost to access it.
But for a limited time, you can access this special offer and…
Watch The Emotionally Unavailable Man Unmasked for Only $9!

I’m making this video available to you for only $9 because:
- At that price, just about everyone can purchase it and get the help they need to solve their problems now (instead of saving up till they can afford it)
- The value of commitment and increased action-taking that comes from a choice to pay for information. If you’ve seen other mini-courses or videos in my Irresistible Insights series, you know that by making a commitment to something (regardless of the price), it gives you a reason to take it seriously and actually use the information to improve your quality of life.
- I want to give you valuable information you can use to help you find a healthy and happy relationship. Not only will you be happy but your friends will notice and this information will help them if they’re going through the same thing.
My mini-courses and videos are always backed by my…

It is extremely important to me that you find the true happiness and fulfillment in life that you deserve.
I stand behind this video as it contains valuable information for you to build a relationship with a man who is emotionally available to commit to you and is capable of creating a loving and lasting bond between you. In fact, I believe in it so much that I’m willing to take on ALL of the risk and put my money where my mouth is.
Sound good to you?
Let’s get started!
Wishing You the Very Best,
James Bauer
P.S. Please get in touch with me and let me know how The Emotionally Unavailable Man Unmasked helped you. I care about your happiness.
P.P.S. Remember you risk nothing. I’m taking on all of the risk for you to watch this video. The 100% money back guarantee means that you are either happy with it or it costs you nothing.
Order now! Don’t waste anymore time!
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