Forum Replies Created
Rhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
How was your weekend? Mine was AWESOME! Slipped and fell on my stairs Friday and bruised my tail bone. Sprained my right wrist Friday night at volleyball. Ha Ha. Forget those things. I really did have an awesome weekend. 90 min massage Friday night. Games night was fun. Saturday left at 7 a.m. for Ya Ha Tinda. Saw 15 deer, prairie dogs, an eagle, herd of mountain sheep…. no pics. But… (big grin) also saw a herd of 30-40 wild horses. Spent probably a total of 2.5 to 3 hours with them. 1800+ pics. Got home around 5:30 and quite tired. Ya Ha Tinda is a 3 hour drive from my place. Sunday walked 12 k. 900+ pics. Got some pics of a golden eye chasing a bufflehead around. Beaver at Votier Flats are out and active. And….. (huge grin) At the end of my walk I was walking past a couple on the side of the path. I was looking down focusing on the path as it had just turned to dirt. They told me Look up. There was a pileated woodpecker not more than 8 feet above me pecking out a nest in the side of the tree. Yippee!!!! I’ve been wanting pics of a pileated for 4 years! Got some AWESOME pics. She would go in the hole with only her tail sticking out and peck, peck, peck. Then she would come out and reach in, grab the chips and toss them out. Between the two days have over 2700 pics to sort through and edit. Then Sunday afternoon met with a former co-worker for a drink and snack. That was nice.So….. Friday night. Place was full. Games night right now is at Center Street Bridgeland church and they have a small gym. Many more people there this Friday than last. Dave was there. Didn’t even say Hi even though he kept coming over and talking to the girl sitting next to me. I’ve decided he’s a bit of a jerk. Brandon was on the opposite volleyball team from me. When he saw me on the court he ran over, said Hi and gave me a low 5 below the net. Then the play started. I didn’t get to talk with him after that. Each team and 12 players so would rotate a sub in after every serve. But Brandon was down with the team on the other end of the gym and there was barely enough room on the side of the court for some chairs, so not conducive to moving around to talk. He took off right away after the game, too. But did meet another gentleman named Sam. Good-looking man. Always smiling. Twinkle in his eye. Often giving players high-fives an saying Good Job. He had brought his sister and her kids and made sure the kids were involved in the volleyball game and got to play. I thought that was quite nice of him. Wouldn’t mind getting to know him better. Also met Bruce. Bruce and I talked quite a bit (sort of) as we were on the same team so on the same end of the gym. Sat next to each other while waiting our turn. He’s a runner and does Iron Man races. We got to talking about hiking and I mentioned wanting to hike Rock Bound Lake. He wasn’t familiar with it and asked where it was at. I told him and said it was 18 k and probably 9 up and 9 down. Also mentioned I’d feel more comfortable and safer if I had someone to go with. Then the conversation moved on to other things. A little later he said he’d be interested in doing Rock Bound with me. I told him I was really slow going up hill. He said that was ok. I told him I was thinking either the 1st week of June or the last week. He’s thinking of going to Nice, France in June for an Iron Man, but he said he’d make one of those weekends work. Suggested we exchange phone numbers. I had left my phone at home so gave him my number. He texted me right away. I didn’t text back till I got home Saturday night. I ended up giving one of the girls a ride home Friday night so I didn’t get home till 10:30 and was exhausted so didn’t even look at my phone. Didn’t want to text at 7 as I didn’t know if he’d be up and didn’t want to text while he was still sleeping. Texted that it was me and I enjoyed meeting him Friday night. Hoped he was enjoying the gorgeous day and that I had left early that morning and just got back and had a totally awesome day. Nothing more. I haven’t heard anything from him. He hasn’t texted back. Not sure what to think. Would like to get to know him better as well. But anyway, that was my weekend. Super busy week.
I volunteered to help with the kids departments at Center Street Church. OMG! They want an agreement, an application with 3 references and now information for a background check and one other form. ??????? You’d think I was some criminal applying for a high security job! Not sure I want to deal with all the hassle. Ha Ha. I wanted to volunteer to walk dogs at the humane society in Sarnia a couple years ago. They said I had to get a background check to walk dogs. I figured they could get someone else to walk their dogs.
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
Jesse was really nice. Don’t have the bid in yet. This is a small duplex. Bedrooms are downstairs and the bathroom upstairs. I want to turn the utility room downstairs into a full bath then eventually take out the tub upstairs and put in a shower and make the other half of the space a pantry for the very small kitchen. Jesse thinks we should do just the downstairs first — around $20,000 by the time the electrical work is done, piping added. Concrete floor has to be taken out and re-done to put in drains for the tub and vanity sink and leveled for vinyl flooring. I want to put in a large jet tub, but that’s not the majority of the cost. I think I’ll ask him to run a drain pipe for the upstairs shower, though, because if it’s not put in now, when I do remodel upstairs the wall in the downstairs bathroom will have to be torn out to put in that drain.Corey was just hear and looked at my external doors. Both the door to my back deck and the front door need more work than what he was able to do today, so he’s going to the condo management and get the work ordered. I can do anything I want inside the house, but the development takes care of the external parts of the house as it’s in a complex and that needs to all look uniform. It will be nice to have those doors working again. The back door won’t latch. Only way to keep it closed is with the dead bolt which is hard to turn in and out.
Weather is to be great this weekend, so heading to Ya Ha Tinda to look for wild horses. Hope I see some, and some foals!
Have an AWESOME weekend!
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantThank you, Heidi,
Sounds like a plan! I’ll try it.My solar fountain came today. Will try to get it set up tomorrow. Contractor coming in 45 min to give me bid on my remodeling. I’m scared as to how much it will end up being. Supposed to be nice this weekend so planning on heading to Ya Ha Tinda to look for wild horses and foals.
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantThank you, Heidi,
Maybe next time I’ll be brave enough to show them to the owners and ask if they’re interested. I’m finding that takes a lot of time.Hung my last blind today…. on my big window in the living room. It feels so difference as the old blinds were vertical and took up 1/4 the window. Now the blinds are all at the top and the window seems so much larger…. and wide open to everyone else.
Went on a walk with CCS today. Met a new guy. Quickly wrote him off as it was quick to see he doesn’t enjoy or value wildlife like I do. DJ was there again. Kellie said she plans a walk every Sunday so will try to get to more. This was the first one I saw.
Friday is games night again. So if Brandon shows up again, how can I communicate subtly to him I’d be interested in getting to know him better. I know he’s looking for another apartment, so I can ask him about that. I know he likes to serve and give, so thought I’d ask if he’d be willing to help me take the carrier off my car. It would take 5 minutes and can do it there at the church. It will fit in the back of my car. Also thought I’d mention I’m heading out to Ya Ha Tinda to look for wild horses and see how he responds. Also thought I’d ask if he’s going to the centered singles retreat. …… if he’s open to conversation again. Any suggestions? How can I give him a couple compliments without overdoing it?
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
Yes, I’m feeling better….. ha ha…. when I get enough sleep. But overall doing much better. Still cool here, only 50, but by end of next week I think it’s supposed to get up to 64.I sent some pics to your email. Did you get them?
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
Thank you. Arm is looking much better. I’d say bruising 40% reduced? Found some on the back of my arm I hadn’t seen, but on the front where I saw it, I’d say 60% gone. Everyday have more usage. Don’t know if I can get physical therapy or not. Things are so tight and slow here in Canada by the time I could get in, I probably wouldn’t need it.Had a great night last night. Centered Singles fun and games night. Sponsored by the Center Street Church. There were maybe 50ish people there? Many older gentlemen, so a good group to be involved with. They have a vollyball court and lots were playing vollyball. I watched. They were playing Code Names and some other game I didn’t recognize and wasn’t really interested in. Al was there. Barely said Hi. Dave (guy I had a date with over Christmas) showed up. I smiled an waved at him. He smiled back and disappeared. I don’t know if he left or went and watched the movie they were showing. But (big grin) Brandon came over and talked with me. He’s the cute, good-looking first-aider that helped me so much with my arm when I fell. There were so many people playing vollyball they had to rotate in and out to give everyone a turn. He’d come over and talk with me while he was out. He’s a sweetheart. I’d go out with him any day. I think he’s quite a bit younger than me, (15-20 years?), LOL. But I’m not sure I care. The group has a weekend retreat coming up over Mothers Day weekend I think I’ll go on. The place has horseback riding. Of course I’m going to go!! Melanie, the group leader is a sweetheart. I like her.
Center Street Church center campus has two services on Saturday afternoon/evening. I went to the 6:30 one. I am feeling more comfortable there than the Southview Alliance church, so think I’ll start going regularly. Now I feel I can start making new friends. Debbie, I’m not sure what’s happening with her. It feels like she’s a very different person than the Debbie I knew a couple years ago.
Had an interesting experience this afternoon. One of the Calgary Christian Singles (CCS) people had suggested we have activities at Pearce Estates, a park in the north end of town. I went to check it out before going to church (also in the north). I was walking the trail and some man randomly stopped on his bike and started talking to me. We probably talked for 10 minutes or so before he went on. Pearce Estates would be ok for a picnic and a walk but doesn’t have any fire pits, so no fire in the park. Next couple weeks is still going to be cool. Highest temp next week I think is 12C (53ish). Like April 28ish I think it’s supposed to get up to 18 (64ish F) So maybe by May we can start having a fire in the park activity.
Got one of my blinds hung yesterday. I really like it. Looks SOOOOOOO much better than what was there. Will try to hang another one tomorrow, but that’s over the kitchen sink, so not the easiest to get to. We’ll see how that goes. Ice is finally gone off my back patio, so I can start cleaning that up now. It’s a mess. Hasn’t been touched in 3 years? Now that I’m making new friends, maybe I can find some to come over for bbq. 🙂
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
Yes, those things make sense. I’ll give it another try.Oh, I’m grumpy! It’s April 14 and it’s snowing – or it snowed yesterday afternoon!! What the hey!? Cancelled the Fire In The Park activity for CCS. It’s cold and supposed to rain later this afternoon/evening. Only mid 40s right now. I see Paul cancelled the kayaking for tomorrow. My arm isn’t good enough to go yet. I’m signed up for May 6 and have high hopes it will be strong enough by then. Every day it’s getting better. You should have seen it. LOL. Dark black and blue all the way from my elbow clear up to my shoulder and half way around my arm at the elbow. Maybe 2/3 cleared up now. I’m using my arm more and more but still can’t lift it very high and not a lot of strength. Still hurts to use it. But I am grateful that it continues to heal more every day.
My blinds came in after I hurt my arm. It’s well enough today that I took down one of the old blinds. Will try to get the new one up. Should be ok as it’s a small one.
Centered Singles has a games night tonight. I think I will go for a little while. I’ve got to get out. Won’t meet anyone sitting at home!
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
This sounds very disjointed to me, but here’s another stab at a perfect match descriptionI know you’re there somewhere. You’re a true Christian gentleman who will (once we are married) wake me with a soft kiss and say, “Babe, it’s a gorgeous day out. If you’ll pack a lunch, I’ll load up the kayaks and we’ll head.” You bring me flowers for no reason at all. Sometimes we choose to share a bowl of popcorn while watching your favorite team (hockey, football, soccer, whatever, but not wrestling or boxing). You share my interest in building a concrete dome sustainable home and filling it with love. Often we go hiking or on road trips looking for wildlife to photograph.
Yesterday I bought some things from the camera store then went back as I didn’t figure out how to mount the universal plates I bought on my camera. They were supposed to fit both my vest and my tripod. So this good-looking man (no ring) helped me and I said something like, Well, unless I’m blonde, these don’t work. So he was very kind and showed me how it fit together. I said something about Yeah, I guess I was blond. He said, Don’t be so hard on yourself.
So…. I was putting myself down, at least with the second comment about being blond. So how could I have handled that better and how could I have slipped him a compliment like I needed him and appreciated him. I did thank him, but I think I could have handled that much better.Thanks,
RhondaRhonda R
Well, Little Boy Blue took me on an adventure Saturday. I was planning to stay around Banff, but LBB went right past all the exits. We ended up going up 93 to Hwy 11. Then he decided to go down the trunk road – 100 kilometers of dirt road. Got some nice pics of a grouse and saw some wild horses…. too far away to get good pics.So Silver Singles has a Story section. Here’s what I wrote there.
Just got back from a year in Europe, but I’m home now for good and very, very excited to be home! My life is an adventure. (soft laugh) Uh….. let me rephrase that….. My life is an example of how God leads, guides and cares. God’s given me a successful career and kept me in work through several economic downturns so I’ve had the resources to support my two boys and get them through college. They are on their own now, so I have time for myself and friends.A perfect day for me… could look like several things
1) Volunteering with an animal rescue group, an organization that helps the homeless, or maybe Habitat for Humanity…..
2) A day in the mountains with my best friend maybe horseback riding, hiking or kayaking ending with an evening campfire by the lake.
3) Traveling to Norway, Switzerland, Chile, New Zealand…… (did get to Norway, Austria, and Switzerland while in Europe 🙂 )
4) And if you understand this, you’ve got a good feel for who I am, but I would LOVE to photograph a wolf or a cougar in the wild. To get some good pics of either of those would make my day.
Be warned…… I am warm, caring, loyal and affectionate. I enjoy holding hands, …… well, you’ll figure it out as you get to know me.Less
Is that better?
Today was a holiday and pretty wasted. Deb did finally put me on as a meetup leader and I’ve posted my first meetup – fire in the park for Friday. We’ll see how many come.
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
So with the short spaces to write in, how can I show my passion and uniqueness? Heidi, I’ve been off the market for a year and haven’t looked for a year. I think it’s time to get back into it. No, I don’t feel it’s mundane or boring, just don’t know how to spice it up. I was on E-Harmony a long time ago, on and off several times. Looks like JDate is Jewish site. Will look at Hinge (DateMyAge) when I can confirm email. Is Bumble the one that’s only an app on the phone?Smiles,
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantHi, Spyce, Thank you.
The singles event was sponsored by Center Street Singles and it was at the Center Street Church. They had a short talk about renewal. Yes, I did see one gentleman I was interested in. We had met before at another event over Christmas, but I didn’t have lots of opportunity to interact with him. Seemed like he was more interested in a couple other women. I did get signed up for their news letter so will be doing more with them. Most of the activities I’ve gone to so far have been mostly women so haven’t met many men. Ha. Had one guy from the meetup want to connect, but I ran as fast as I could the other direction. Not interested. Nice guy, but not anywhere near as active as I am. I’m trying to be patient as I know I’ll meet more men as the weather gets warmer and we can do more outdoor stuff, even if I have to post it! Also starting to get involved a little bit with the Alberta Single FB group, but most of them don’t seem to be Christian, or have different ideas of how to enjoy the outdoors than I do (big boats, fishing, hunting, quads…. yuck!)
I will remain friends with Deb. She’s the leader for the meetup group, but I won’t ask her to do as many things with me as I was. She can ask me for once.
So Silver Singles has a bunch of questions and there are multiple choice answers, so not much I can do with those. They have two short text boxes, so here’s what I have in those.
What my partner should know about me:
I’m home now! I’m so happy to be home. Last year I was working in Europe , but I’m working at home now. God’s given me a good career and I’ve been able to support my boys and get them through college. They are on their own now, and time to enjoy volunteering, hiking, kayaking and traveling. People call me Sunshine, and I try to spread happiness. I love my job and weekends usually find me wandering anywhere from Waterton to Jasper to Radium and beyond to hike, kayak or snowshoe. (room for 24 more characters)In a relationship I am looking for:
The first thing that catches my eye, gentlemen, is your smile and expressive eyes. I’m looking for a best friend and companion. Someone I can play with, pray with share with. (room for 332 more characters)They have some short answer questions
How I most like to spend the day:
Outdoors. I like to be hiking, kayaking, outdoors, out with my cameras looking for wildlife.
How I like to spend my free time:
hiking, kayaking, wildlife photography,
Please describe two to three of your favourite leisure time activities.
hiking, squash, kayaking
Everyone has different passions, such as art, sports, music, family and faith. What are you passionate about?
wildlife and nature photography
My hobbies: multiple choice – you have to choose from their selections
My sports: multiple choice – you have to choose from their selectionsSo not a whole lot of opportunity to be really creative.
I get very little attention here and really don’t see hardly anyone I’d be interested in. Also out on Zoosk and get more attention there, or did, but that’s quieted down. Many are not Christians.
Ha Ha. You would laugh if you could see my arm. 60-70% of the inside of my right arm elbow to under my arm is black. The outside muscle is where it hurts, not where the bruise is. Have a little more movement today. Will try to go in to work tomorrow. Worked from home today. My blinds came, but it will be a couple weeks, I think, before I can get them up.
RhondaRhonda R
Well today was kind of wasted. Did get grocery shopping and some laundry done. Arm is better, but had my arm in a sling all day. Will work from home tomorrow. Weather is supposed to be good this week, so hope to get the bbq out and some walks in. My suggestion for fire in the park got shut down as they thought no one would come on good Friday. May post it on my own. Asked Deb about going for a walk and she was busy Thursday and going on a picnic Friday and busy with another friend Saturday. Again, that friendship is feeling kind of one-sided. She never invites me to join her for anything. Think I’ll start looking for other friends.Smiles, Rhonda
Rhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
Well, so much for my weekend! Last night I went to a meetup, which was actually a joint event with Center Street Singles It was an appy desert potluck. About 110 people there. Had some ice breaker games. Nice time. I was carrying two chairs, one in each hand, to help clean up. I was wearing my Moab hikers . They have high ankles and metal clips on each side so you can quickly tie your shoestrings up around the ankles and pull the shoe in close for ankle support. My shoestrings from one foot caught in the hook on the other shoe and i went down hard on top of the chairs. I didn’t hit my head, by really injured the muscle in my right upper arm. They insisted I go to the hospital, so one of the ladies from our group drove me. We got there around 10 pm. Around midnight they sent me for xrays. An hour later, we were still waiting for results. I finally asked how much longer it would be and i was told there were still 14 people ahead of me. We left. Got home around 2 am. I told Loretta to stay with me. I have a guest room and it had clean sheets. So she stayed the night with me. Got up around 10ish. Have a little more movement in my lower arm, but upper arm still swollen and painful if I moved it much. We went to Mustard Seed sorting (sorting clothing donations for homeless shelter) Then Loretta drove me back to the church to get my car. Just got home. Its supposed to snow most of the night, so between my arm and the snow, I doubt we’ll go tomorrow. Stopped by the drug store on the way to Mustard Seed, so have a proper sling now. Have an ice pack stuffed down in my sling. Will get heat on it later. But for now, my right arm is mostly useless. And I’m exhausted, so think I’ll head to (5:00 pm).Hope your weekend went better!
Smiles, Rhonda
Rhonda R
ParticipantHi, Heidi,
Well, camping trip planned for June. Will be in Jasper a couple weeks after Rick, but he’s given me directions to some of his favorite places. Looking forward to it. I splurged big time and booked a trip in Sept to Campbell River. Taking that easy and getting hotels for most of the trip. Still have 3 nights to plan. Booked one griz tour and one sea wild life tour. Trip will probably cost $2500 or more for 8 days. Then if I can’t find a place to stay in Bella Coola, it will be a little less. Places are already full.I was off the dating sites for a year…. or not active, anyway, so thought I’d see some new faces when I got back on. Lots of the same guys. I tried Christian Connection. No one there I was interested in. Tried one other not so well known site and didn’t like that one, either. I will see if Jackie can take a couple pics for me Sunday. Yes, my profile could probably use a change, but they’ve gone to 4 or 5 shorter places rather than one large text area to write, so rather choppy now. Will share in a couple days and we can re-write.
I thought you would have lots of friends there so was surprised to hear you didn’t. Tough when friends are a long ways away. I do try to keep myself busy with weekend plans, planning trips. My blinds will be here soon and slowly working on getting the house ready for remodeling. Did dig 2 of my deck chairs out of the ice and snow and got them up on my deck. The patio area will be a while. A couple inches of ice on it and the chair covers are frozen into the ice. It’s all in the shade so it will be a couple weeks before the snow melts and I can get down there and clean it up. Maybe in 3-4 weeks it will be warm enough to do a fire in the park again.
This afternoon I have a 3:00 bank appt to go over investments (required by bank), 5:00 massage and 7:00 meetup. Tomorrow is Mustard Seed sorting at 1. Pretty much shoots the whole day as its right in the middle of the day. Church tomorrow night then owl search Sunday with Jackie. Should be a good weekend.
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
RhondaRhonda R
ParticipantWell, I just spent a whole bunch of money! $700 tomorrow for tires. $700 for blinds that should be here soon. $250 for 6 nights in Jasper in June. $250 for table and laptop table. AND….. $500 for griz tour in Sept, $150 for ocean wildlife tour in Sept. $600 for hotel in Campbell River for 3 nights and $150 for hotel in Kamloops for trip to Campbell River. Have 2 ferry rides to book and a hotel (or two) for trip back. Yikes! Looking forward to trip in September.