Forum Replies Created
Charlotta E
ParticipantThe hard part is to get him opend up, as i told you he do not answer when i text, maybe i doing it wrong. Maybe he like to have a closer? I did hurt you didnt i? How do i explain it so he dont take it wrong (again)? He didnt like to call or text me when he was away, that was the main reson, and i argumented for it. He like to be with his friends when i come there. And i understand that he wanted his freedom to do what ever he like to do. But what is the feeling? And what can i write to explain it that i understand. We cant see eachouther every day (different citys), and i like to get him to answer and not feel bad about me. Please help me with that.
Charlotta E
ParticipantI would like to use some text or pic so i can get there with him, like the movietrailer and so on. But dont know how to use them specifict to him. Im missing the key to trigger.
Charlotta E
ParticipantIt is about 22 miles (2.5 hours by car) between us. We tried to see each other as often as possible, almost every weekend and for longer periods like holidays all the time. I thought it worked well and he said the same. At the end, I felt that maybe it was starting to become dax to move in together and create a life together in the same place, but I didn’t have time to say anything before it ended. The challenges that existed were partly road conditions in the winter and then I had some difficult things to take care of at home, he liked to hang out with friends on Fridays when I arrived. Otherwise it was good between us. We only argued once in all these years, it was when he went away and said they were going to have a guys’ weekend and I can see that there was a wife of the others, then I questioned it. We talked to each other every day when we didn’t see each other, the one who went to bed first called, we talked about what we did, if something happened and what we were going to do. So the reason why it ended I don’t know because he didn’t say that, he said no one should be allowed to decide over me I’m done with this now. We’ve talked about it before (guess he was referring to the one time we had a fight, and he wanted to feel like he didn’t have to talk). It ended in April, I pestered, contacted his friends and family, and then it completely ended. I tried to get him to talk to me. He refused to answer, deleted everything I sent and didn’t even read what I wrote. At the end of May I made no contact until the beginning of July. Then I started to hear back from time to time again. Once when I sent a message describing a memory and how we had sex in the beginning, I got a reply. He wrote you and I are not in a relationship and you should get your things delivered. After that I have continued to write a little from time to time in different ways, he opens and reads but doesn’t answer. At the beginning of August I was at his house, he knew I would come but not when. I was positive, talked about the future, what I had done. Asked him about things related to his interests. Got only occasional words in response, he refused to look at me. Then he said you and I don’t have a relationship, this doesn’t feel good. I asked what didn’t feel right, got no answer. I said we can meet tonight and have a drink and it would be nice if you answered. I texted him that night about the drink. Didn’t get an answer at home. I was there the next day to pick up things, he opened and asked what do you want. I said pick up my things, and there are still things missing. Send a list was my reply. I did it. Have written another message after that to him, no reply but he reads what I write. Last I wrote, you are still ridiculous not being able to answer so, hope you do this week when I come (going to his city and racing with my dog this Tuesday). No answer.
We met through a mutual friend who gave him my phone number. We talked and texted for almost 2 months before seeing each other. Then we started meeting. We had a good relationship, we both said that. The spark was always there between us. We made plans together. The last weekend we saw each other, we made plans for the summer and fall. But it ended quite suddenly. I would like to have him reply me when I message, I would like to have us restart, start a new chapter. But I’m stuck, we have no communication (I write, he reads then nothing more happens). Maybe I’m writing the wrong way (expressing myself). A positive thing that I discovered since I was there at the beginning of August is that he watches my reels that I post on Facebook (before he only watched when I wasn’t there, now he also watches pictures with me on them). But he still doesn’t answer my messages but reads them. So what do you think I should do? as i told you he is a man that sticks what he says, and cant changes it (at least he have never gone back before). But i still feel that we can get together again, for a new start, if he opends up.Charlotta E
ParticipantWe where together for 7 years. One day he just stoped answer me when i called, some days before that we was planing out summer and had o lovely time together. We live in different cities. The breakup was not fun, i tryed to get us to talk on phone, i whent to his place and so on. We have not spokend senes april, he have some stuff thats mine and i have some stuff here thats his. Im trying to reach out to him in a friendly way to see if we can just talk and have a nice time and se if there is any spark between us to start a new chapter.