I guess I didn’t think that 2-3 weeks between dates were normal. I always had the impression that if it was going well, you’d want to see each other at least once a week. I also felt as though the timing of his replies between messages were getting a lot longer which also led me to believe that he was slowly growing uninterested and was maybe just responding out of politeness. I wasn’t intentionally trying to ghost him, more just waiting for him to reach out. He’d typically reach out at minimum every Sunday and when he didn’t for the first two weeks, I assumed he was ghosting me.
I can definitely see this being my issue. I have a habit of reading into things and assuming the worst. I would have liked to see him more often, now reading what you said, maybe not every week, but every 2 weeks. I honestly thought I wouldn’t have ever seen or talked to him again after the last time, but then there was that random text from him that I mentioned that came out of nowhere.