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  • Laura G

    You are right about my trust issues and if you have any suggestions on any books I can read that can possibly help that would be great. Also I know we both need more then talk. What happens when you put it out there and get no response…??? He grew up in abusive home and the one time he went to therapy it was not a good experience. Let’s just say he was told everything is confidential and the one time he opens up the councelor says something to his parents who were bea t ing him and he went home and got a even bigger beating….
    I thought about a life coach wich I dont think is to different from therapist but I dont know…any advise?

    Laura G

    The best version of me I want to give him is me there no matter what, I want to trust him 100% and that is something I am working on due to my own past history with my past relationship that is not his fault. I want to be able to have a argument without letting my emotions take over out of control. I want to be there 100% and most of all 8 want him to know that

    Laura G

    Well I am starting to relize anytime we have a argument I blow it up more then what it might be and he goes into hermit mode….
    We just starting talking today and im not going to say we talked about any of our issues but rather how each of us have been. We didn’t talk for a long time because I was on my lunch at work but enough time just to both say we missed each other and we are both just have been working on ourselves….
    I dont know what our future might be but I jave been thinking alot of my own issues has been making things bigger then what they should be. I guess im trying to restart and be my best self small steps at a time and im trying to go with the flow and sweat the small stuff. And your right, I can’t blame jim for not trusting i will not be there….do you have any suggestions. I do want to break that habit. I dont know if I should let him know that or not and just prove it

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