I did the i need your help back with something text.
He responded back what pretty quickly, which is not typical.
I ask in that manner
His response who? and that he said he was going to make an appointment to talk to my counselor. I started seeing someone on my own bc I knew I could benefit if couples was not an option. ReCENTLY He has mentioned wanting to speak with her to make sure I am being open and honest to get appropriate resources ect., my response has been if their is SOMETHING you can shed light on to help me be a better version of me than that is good. So his intent is more for me not himself and far as scheduling just to give back story.
Which is not necessarily bad but I think the idea of a relationship coach and working together is such a great concept and something we have never done.
NOT SURE HOW TO respond, should I be more direct with an option or say that theie are lots of resources and we could decide together on something we both felt comfortable with.
I know I am over thinking
I HAVE BEEN ReaDING up on the hero concept.