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  • in reply to: Need help with my relationship #36282
    Ladan Z

    Hi Heidi. Thank you for the compliment 🙂 and thank you for your feedback

    I guess I thought if he feels safe enough he will eventually open up. I felt that he needs more time and that maybe I need to show him more love because I sometimes pull back and don’t tell him I love him him for couple of weeks because I have my own rejection issues that get triggered. So I told myself after watching and reading some of the relationship programs that until Jan give it your all and see if it makes a change in him and if not then finish it. Am I wrong to think that?

    I mean I guess you pretty much answered that already.

    The questions you asked me I would say the common denominator is me and my own lack of worthiness and rejection and abandonment issues I have from childhood and not feeling love from my dad and with my mom was an on and off thing so again never felt real love.

    In terms of the 50/50 money situation, just to make it more clear, we don’t live together to pay for gas, or groceries…. I believe if he doesn’t even pay for dinner then what kind of effort and investment is he putting in this relationship. Am I wrong?
    I would be ok if instead of going out once a week we go every other week and we stay home the other nights (we see each other 2 nights per week). I am just not comfortable like I pay one time and he pays one time. It’s not about the money at all because I can afford it but it just doesn’t feel right to me because I feel he has to invest. Don’t they say if a man doesn’t invest with his money and time then he doesn’t really value you? Maybe you can tell me if I am wrong or what would be the best way to approach him with this.

    I really appreciate your advice and feedback. It means a lot to me.

    Maybe I am fooling myself to give him till Jan. I don’t know


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